Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 4, 2012

I walked to Winn-Dixie this morning for berries. I bought raspberries, blueberries, and apples. I was supposed to buy coffee creamer for Tom's coffee but I forgot it.

I cleaned my bathroom and did the dishes. Chores were done. I rode my bike over to Kim's (3 miles) to help her with the fitting of her dress for the Mel Fisher party on May 11. Her dress is 17th century aristocracy.

After I rode home I made tacos with last nights leftovers. I finally cleaned off my desk and cleaned half my closet. Then it was time to go to the Hurricane.

Kids were argumentative on the ride. I'm trying to teach them to give each other some slack and not jump all over someone for every dumb little thing.

I'm so thankful that I got to go home early (11pm) with Kim and the little boys. We ate some strawberries and whipped cream and some banana bread and went to bed.

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