Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7, 2013


TJ brought up the kids this morning for me to watch. He, Ang, and Nina had a gig at Schooner Wharf from 12 noon to 5 PM. Aaron, Ian, and Ariel were here too.

After breakfast was through, we started to get ready to leave for homeschool PE. I took 4 Doerfel kids, 3 Newtons, and 2 grand kids. I'm so glad Joe went with us to help me keep an eye on everyone. It was also fun to hang out with the other moms.

When we got home the kids were all crazy, in and out the door. Everyone was hungry. We started out with apples and peanut butter and then had spaghetti. When Ben finally got home, he watched all the kids so I could go pick up our produce. Then I had to put it all away.

There was no time to make supper or even make a plan for supper. I cooked some carrots for me and cooked beans for tomorrow. Some of the older kids went to a youth group in Key West. Doug stopped in after Tommy's guitar lesson. He filmed Charlie and me for a video he is making.

Tom, Ben, Garrett, Tommy, and Jake went to the park to play hockey. I sewed the buttons on Callie's white dress. It's done! But still needs two snaps sewn on. Then I started sewing beads on my dress. I'm starting to like it. It needs to be done by Saturday.

I made Tom popcorn. He watched hockey. I read to Tommy and Charlie and went to bed.

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