Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 2, 2013

I talked Ed and Nina into walking with me to CVS. I needed printer paper, shampoo, and a hairbrush. I've bought myself three hairbrushes in the last year, but there is a hairbrush thief that sneaks in during the night. But it was a good walk, 2 miles.

I made banana muffins for everyone, and added chopped mangoes to half the batter. I like mangoes, can you tell?

We did chores. Ben folded laundry. I gathered the skirt of Callie's dress and attached it to the bodice. I also sewed on crocheted lace that Kim made a few years ago.

Cameron's mom picked him up and it rained cats and dogs right when she got there. Parts of Key West were flooded. TJ and Ang's gig at Blue Heaven was cancelled.

We took two vehicles to Schooner. Ed's van had to drop off Jaden, pick up Naomi and Aaron, and meet us at Schooner Wharf. Then Ben took that van to Sahara's fashion show.

The Newton's did the first set for us, with Ed, Kurt, and TJ, and they did a super job! Ben finally showed up and finished out the set. I did embroidery almost the whole time. Callie's dress is almost done.


  1. We enjoyed seeing the flood pics of Key West! Yikes! They prompted me to check with our dock neighbors to learn if our boat over on Hilton Haven Rd. had sunk. It hadn't!

    I am so impressed with your sewing, all the features of beading and embroidery, lace added to Callie's dresses shown on this blog and the Crab dress on another one. I got my machine out this past year after about 10 years and began sewing some again. Out of two daughters and six grandchildren finally one wanted to learn to sew. We've had two lessons and she's a natural ... God knew what He was doing when she turned up to be the one to want to learn! She is very artistic as well, painted with water colors as a 3 year old, did patterns, not just people and places and things. Anyway, we made two outfits for American Girl doll, then I made her surprise outfits for Christmas presents, PLUS she made a pair of pants for her doll on her own, while I was away snow birding in NC, making me very happy.

    I wanted to learn to sew when I was young, Mom didn't pick up on that, she a seamstress too, so at age 12 I made two dresses using a pattern with buttons opening on top of dress attached to an an A-line shirt, quite the pattern to learn on.

    Your blog brings back nice memories of the dresses I made for my two daughters and matching dresses for granddaughters with same for their dolls. We who sew are lucky I think. I count it as one of my blessings, I enjoy it. I will add though when I saw the price of patterns these days I could NOT believe it AND the price of material, not sure saving money by sewing anymore as I could for years and years.

    So this summer when I get home to Maine I am going to advertise in local paper to give sewing lessons. I've wanted to, and it's time to DARE to try it. I'm also going to advertise to teach cursive writing in five hour sessions. I hear some parents would like their children to learn to read and write cursive since no longer being taught in Maine schools. ... progress, "whatta' ya gonna do?"

    Thanks for your blog, Mom Doerfel. I've been reading it to Bart and turns out he's been reading it on his own now. God Bless. We admire your parenting. Like you said, it can't be easy any day of the week. You are very, very giving and you are raising great kids with your examples!

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