Friday, May 3, 2013

May 3, 2013


TJ woke me up at 8:30 am to watch the kids while they went to play at Blue Heaven. I was going to go but decided not to since I had just gone last week. I also knew that he and Angelica were going to play there again this evening and they would need me to babysit. So it was just easier for everyone if I stayed home.

Bobby went to work with Tom. He is training to do Tom's job. I did school. Ben and Kurt went to the studio.

The Blue Heaven crew came back. They brought me banana bread! :0) Nina took a nap. I think Ed worked on editing the talent show video some more. Then they were all off to their gigs, TJ and Angelica back to Blue Heaven and everyone else to the Hurricane. I got to stay home with the little ones. I finished all the machine sewing on Callie's dress, and did the buttonholes on this dress and the crab dress. Tomorrow sew on buttons and finish the embroidery. And clean out my closet and clean off my desk. I also want to go through my fabric stash. I would like to get rid of half of it. It's been stored in a closet for a year and I haven't touched it. No time for anything these days.

I made tacos for supper out of black beans, onions, a carrot, mushrooms, and spices. I made a giant salad too. There are leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. I also ordered 2 pizzas at 9:30 and I ate only one piece.

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