Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 21, 2013

I went walking with Joe this morning. I tried to get Tommy to come too but he wouldn't. We did a few chores and then left for Gym Class in Marathon. Ang came with her kids and Connie and Carly came with us too. Joe, Naomi, and Ian came also. The older boys went to the studio. Ang and Joe walked over to Fisherman's Hospital to try to get Joe some financial aid.

Tommy and Shannon went to lessons when we got back. I worked on taxes from about 3 to 7. Then all the kids went to the park to play hockey. I ordered pizzas and made a giant salad. Rob brought donuts so the meal was complete. The boys watched hockey and I retired to my room. I read Charlie 2 books, showered, and went to bed.

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