Friday, May 31, 2013

May 29, 2013


We left the hotel and headed out. I think we were all starting to get tired of driving. I thought we made more pit stops for fuel and bathroom every 3 hours. But maybe it helped just to get everyone out of the van and move around a little bit.

We did pass a spot in KY, the Vernon exit, that brought back some memories. A few years ago we hit a wicked pothole in our RV coming out of Cincinnati. It broke our hydrolic pump. We took the Vernon exit, went left across the bridge, then the first right off the main rd and pulled over on the side of the road and stopped. There happened to be a CAT dealer/shop to our right. Tom talked to them and they looked at the RV and ordered the parts we needed.

Tom rented a minivan to get the band to Nashville where they were supposed to be to record the vocals for a cd they were working on. The little boys and I stayed at the rv two nights. There were two gas stations close but I never needed to go out. Tom left the big kids in Nashville and came back for us. The part came in but it was the wrong one so we had to wait another day for the right one.

We called up a fan who lived 1/2 hour away in Carrolton, KY. We drove the rental car and met him for pizza that night. The following day the part came in and the guy had it fixed in about 10 minutes.

Anyways, that all happened a few years ago. Now back to the now.

We stopped at our first Tim Horton's of the trip. Donuts and coffee. What could be better than that?

We made it to my mom and dad's south of Buffalo, NY about midnight. My parents had gotten there one day before us, also traveling from FL, and their water pump wasn't working. My dad had just finished installing a new one right before we arrived.

It was a long 13 hour drive and we were tired out again.

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