Thursday, May 30, 2013

May 28, 2013


A little sad, but we knew it was coming, it was time to leave Jack's house. We packed all our stuff back into the van and trailer, then the people, and headed out. We had an easier travel day since we were headed to Murfreesboro, TN, which is south of Nashville and only an 8 hour drive.

We checked into our three hotel rooms and then went to a Mexican restaurant to eat with our nephew Mike and his girlfriend Brittany. Steve Gallagher also joined us. Ben is sponsored by Gallagher Guitars out of Wartrace, TN. It was good to see them and to eat.

After supper we went to Mike and Brittany's to hang out and watch hockey. Brittany's mom was super nice. She played with Jake and Callie and they had a blast. Tom took most of us back to the hotel. A few boys stayed longer to play NHL 12 (video games), and Mike brought them back to the hotel. We were one wore out bunch.

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