Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 9, 2013


Another school day and another day of no chores makes for a trashed house. I didn't make it to the beach.

Tom made a bed frame for TJ and Ang. Now their bed is like a fort, up off the floor. I watched Jake and Callie for a while, while TJ and Ang went on errands. I did more beading on my dress.

When the boys went to play hockey, I rode my bike 3 miles to Kim's house. She fed me dinner and I helped her with the hem of her dress and finished the beading on mine. Now tomorrow I have to hem mine.

Tom picked me and my bike up around 10:30 PM. I didn't want to ride home in the dark. I would not like to get my first ticket for riding a bike without lights at night. I've never gotten a ticket and don't want to.

When I got home I found that Ben had loaded and started the dishwasher. He hadn't washed the rest of the dishes so I did those. I read "Sweet Betsy from Pike" to Charlie, it's one of my favorites and called it a day.

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