Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 27, 2015


I finally went grocery shopping this morning. Had a little time for school, then we left for Sloppy Joes. We are so used to playing there on Mondays and Fridays really throw me out of whack. 

Before the show started I went to Duetto's to get coffee drinks for TJ and Ed. There was a homeless woman I recognized sitting on some steps on the way. She didn't look so good. She told me she was hungry, so I bought her my favorite Spicy Salamis Foccacia. She was still there when I walked back so I gave it to her. I hope she liked it. 

I can't get used to playing there on Fridays. Every thing just seems off. TJ, and, and Joe played at Blue Heaven earlier today, then met us at Sloppy's. 

When the show was over TJ got us a few Burger Fi Veggie burgers and we went home. The band left a few minutes later for the Hurricane in Marathon. I stayed home all night and folded laundry. :0/

Here's a pic of my two pineapples and my kale. :0)

Friday, February 27, 2015

February 26, 2015


We read on the porch again, and did math, but I just wanted a break. At 4:30 the grand kids were dropped off. Tom came home and we took the kids to the park. We walked there and it was dark when we were walking home. We had flashlights but I don't like walking on the roads after dark, and we were hurrying. 

When we got home I ran upstairs and got Charlie's fiddle, then we walked over to Springer's. Jake sang, Charlie played the fiddle, and Callie danced. If she keeps it up she'll be another Valerie Smith, dancing while she sings and plays. 

After that we hurried back home. Stevie fell asleep and Violet was hungry. Tom fed Violet and I finished supper, a stir-fry and bulgar wheat. I was tired and as soon as the kids were picked up I got ready for bed. Callie and Jake spent the night because TJ would have had to drop them off in the morning anyway, to go to their gig at Blue Heaven. 

I made Callie a bed next to ours and Jake slept with Joe. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 25, 2015


I walked this morning. Then did school. We've been sitting out on the porch while doing our Great Books reading. Our Keysey weather is finally back. Somehow the day goes by too fast, and before we were done it was time to leave for Schooner Wharf. I have to remind myself to think of the things we did get done, and not get down for what we didn't get done. 

I was so tired at the gig tonight. I probably should have stayed home. I've kept the laundry moving, but only towels and bedding have been folded for almost two weeks. 

Nina was sick and stayed home. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 24, 2015


I made banana muffins this morning, a triple batch. We did schoolwork till it was time to leave for gym class. I also watered and fertilized the plants on the porch. My kale is looking great and there are two pineapples growing. The fog this morning was so heavy. It was sunny till we got to the 7 mile bridge. At first I thought it was smoke, but it was fog. It was so weird. When we got to the end of the bridge it was sunny in Marathon.

When we got home I was supposed to go to Tai Chi, but was tired of running so I stayed home. I had the boys do some more schoolwork and I did laundry and made supper, garlic potatoes with kale. 

Tom left about 4:30 to pick up people from the Miami airport. It was quiet at our house for about an hour, then Minoli came over, and then Bob and Shannon and Ailsa. I didn't have enough supper for all these extra people, so I ordered pizza and Bob picked it up for me. Garrett and Tommy did dishes and the 4 kids that went to Buffalo got home from their trip. They brought Tim Horton's coffee, Krispy Kreme donuts, and sponge candy. :0) So I made some coffee, ate a donut, and sampled the candy. What a way to end the day. :0)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February 22, 2015


I set my alarm to get up early for the 9:30 church service. Stacey needed to leave at 11 to get to her next stop on time. She got her crew ready and I worked on mine. When we got to church it was packed and we had to stand until the kids went to their classes, then seats opened up. 

Tom took TJ and Joe to Boondocks at 9:30. They set up and ran sound for the Habitat benefit. 

Stacey left after church. Charlie and I went back to church, then went back home because he forgot his fiddle. Tom came and picked us up and we went to Boondocks, Tom, Tommy, aaron, Jake, Callie, and me.

Angelica (and Violet) and Kim were already there and setting up. They had a set with TJ and Joe at 1:30. The kids were good. Jake sang two songs and Charlie played his fiddle. Then Tom took the kids to play putt putt golf. I was able to watch a little of the Daytona 500. 

TJ, Joe, and Tom broke down the equipment just in time for us to get Tommy to work at church at 5:30. We went home and then Tom went back to church for our class. I needed a few minutes to slow down and went an hour late. 

Tom watched hockey and I read to Tommy and Charlie. It is ironic to me that we are reading "The Long Winter" during this frigid winter up north. We've had a cold spell here too, but today it finally felt like the Keys again.

Monday, February 23, 2015

February 21, 2015

We sent Garrett and Jonathan over to the church for the carwash. 
This morning we left at 11 for Sunset Pier. TJ, Ang, Joe, and Lea played. Tommy helped me watch Jake, Callie, and Violet at the gig. It finally warmed up today and the sun felt so good. 

Stacey's family left later for their gig. They played out in front of the Episcopal Church on Duval St. Lea left the Sunset Pier gig a half hour before they finished. Tom drove her over to the Episopal church.  

When our gig was done we all went to watch Stacey's family. We helped watch the little ones. They drew quite a crowd and it was fun. Afterwards, a woman from the church gave us a little tour of the organ. Rob showed up with his niece and took a great group pic. Most of the kids rode home with Tom in the Sprinter, but Lea, Mike, Joe, and Taylor took a walk to Aaron's house I think. 

Stacey, Lizzie, and I walked a little on Duval. We went in 4 stores and bought chocolate goodies at Kilwin's. Then the above kids met us at Stacey's van and we went home. 

Tom bought subs for everyone from Winn Dixie on the way home. When we got home though, Stacey and I didn't get any, so I ordered us some from Popa Jims. 

TJ came over and gave Stacey's band a critique. That was interesting. While I was finishing up the dishes and trying to get kids to bed, about 11 o'clock, JC showed up with Cora and another girl. I was kind of annoyed. It was already crazy enough and bed time. So I went to bed. 

They were so loud in the living room it was hard to fall asleep. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 20, 2015


Today we had an earlier gig at Sloppy's. We left at 1:30. I didn't sleep well so I got up early, went to Winn Dixie , and then made sausage, bisquits, and gravy. We were given a few containers of orange juice from Big Pine Restaurant (that just closed) so I think everyone had a nice breakfast. 

Lea went with us and we took Jake. Stacey and the other kids stayed home. She needed some time to slow down and relax. 

Sloppy's was full all night. TJ, Ang, and Kim played. Connie watched Violet and Callie at her house and Doug watched Stevie at home. 

Friday, February 20, 2015

February 18, 2015


Stacey and I went grocery shopping. We stayed up really late Tuesday night, so we were kind of slow all day. At 4:30 we went to the Big Pine Baptist Church. Stacey's family was playing a concert there. They set up, we ate, and they played. They did a great job and we all had a wonderful time. 

TJ and Tom went to the Green Parrot. TJ played with Piper Road Spring Band, but Angelica and the kids came to the church with us. That made it more fun. 

A flat foot dancer that Stacey met up north was at the church. What a small world! We invited him over afterward and he danced a little for us. Then we went to bed. 

(I made the striped purple sweater Violet is wearing and Grandma Fran helped me finish it). Thanks Mom!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 17, 2015


The days have been so busy. Sunday night we played at Schooner and Redhead Express came to the gig. Tom let them play during our break and they blew all of us away. So fun. 

When we got home at 1 AM I readied the living room for Stacey's family to arrive while we were sleeping. I pulled out the couch bed and put out the blankets and pillows. Then I cleaned the kids bathroom because it was so gross. I went to bed at 3 AM.


I made blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes for everyone. Stacey and I walked with the kids to the park. Joe, Luke, and Garrett organized kickball with all the kids After a while Stacey and I went to Winn Dixie. 

Today was to be a huge day. I started baking for Ed's birthday, a brownie-chocolate-peanut-butter-marshmellow-rice-crispy dessert. I made a 4x batch because we were expecting a big crowd. It was us (10), Nina, TJ's family,  Shannon and Bobby, Fraterrigos (9), the Walker family/Redhead Express (12), Rob, and a couple of the kids hockey friends. 

Almost everyone went to the park and played hockey in the evening. I stayed home doing food prep. 

I ordered 13 pizzas for supper and picked them up. Angelica made a large salad and I put out apples and clementines. The Walkers brought ice cream and we had a feast. Our small living room kitchen combo was packed. It was a loud, fun, crazy time with a lot of sharing, questions, laughing, and getting to know each other better. 

We all stayed up too late but it was worth it.


After our breakfast of tofu scramble wraps we put on our swimsuits and sunscreen and headed to the beach at Bahia Honda State Park, but it was full and we were turned away. We went to my friends Ida and Byron's house instead and swam in their pool. They are so kind. :0)

When we got home we made some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. A couple kids got Chinese. Stacey and I took a walk. Then I started supper. We had coconut black beans and rice, then leftover dessert from last night. 

TJ and Angleica came over too. They practiced with Joe and Leah, then the Fraterrigos sang a few songs. More good times. Did the dishes. Then Stacey, Leah, and I stayed up talking till 3 AM. I also had my own Cheryl quilt show. I showed Stacey almost all of the quilts I've made. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

February 13, 2015


I just wrote the whole day's worth of stuff and it disappeared. :0(

This morning I went with Ed and Nina to Blue Heaven for breakfast. We also wanted to see the Redhead Express play. It was a fun, relaxing morning. 

Afterward we stopped at Ross where we hooked up with Tom. He had to make a trip to the Key West DMV because he had sold Ben's Harley. So I rode home with Tom. 

I watered plants and did the dishes. The band went to the gig at Knight's Key Park. They said it was -52 bu it was really +52, but either way, they froze. 

I dropped Charlie off at movie night at church, then I sat at the kitchen table and did some smocking. I made a veggie stir-fry and bulgar wheat for supper. After I picked Charlie up we watched an episode of "The Waltons." Then we read "The Long Winter" and went to bed.

When the band was done Nina ordered pizzas from the Hurricane but when they stopped to pick them up they didn't have the order. She checked her phone and found that she ordered them from "The Hurricane" in Marathon, PA, not "The Hurricane" in Marathon, FL. Oops! She called and let them know. They were very nice about it. Then she ordered from the right place and they got home very late. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

February 12, 2015


I went walking. We did some schoolwork, Tommy went to his guitar lesson, and aroumd 3 o'clock I went to Winn Dixie to get groceries. When I got home TJ had already dropped the kids off for Tom and I to babysit. I put groceries away and Tommy left for youth group. I had Garrett to help me at first, then Tom showed up. Charlie had spent the afternoon at church while the older boys set up for laser tag. When Tom got home he decided to fix some plumbing, a job that he said would only take five minutes. So he turned off the water, drained lines, and found out he had the wrong part. So he sped off in the car to Marathon before the store closed for the right part. He never did go to Marathon. I think a friend helped him with the part. I'm not really sure. 

Meanwhile, I had Jake-5, Callie-3, Violet-9 months, and Stevie-17 months. Poor Stevie wasn't feeling good and spent a lot of time crying on my lap. I sent Ed a messege to send Tommy and Charlie home to help me. They were all at youth group.  When Tommy got home, I put Violet in the ring sling, and Stevie and Callie in the stroller. With Tommy and Charlie I held Jake's hand and we walked over to Springer's with 3 flashlights. 

Jake was super cute. He sang two songs and Charlie played "Oh Susanna." Tom suddenly re-appeared and helped me get them home. Stevie fell asleep on the way and slept till Kim picked him up. Callie fell asleep too. I did dishes and went to bed.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 11, 2015


This morning I couldn't stand the clutter. Instead of starting school, the younger boys and I picked up, did dishes, got the garbage out, and Garrett mowed the grass. 

We started school at 1 o'clock, but my heart wasn't in it today. I did art and science with Charlie. Those are his two favorite subjects. He did his other subjects on his own. Tommy went to art class and I did algebra with Garrett. 

The big kids had a meeting at church and they practiced. Later, Garrett went over to watch Stevie while they practiced for worship, and Tommy went early just because he wanted to. That left just Charlie and I home. Rob stopped by with his friend, John. 

Tom showed up just as Charlie and I were going to start walking to church. We had all kinds of visitors there. Rob and John were there, Grandpa Bob and Grandma Helen, our niece Laura, her husband Steve, and baby Dimitri. At the end of the service we had other company, another family band we met in Branson, MO, was there, the Redhead Express. They had made arrangements with Tom to park their RV at our place while they had gigs in Key West. So they followed us home and figured everything out. 

I guess I've been in FL long enough to say that 63 degrees is cold. I had to wear my hand spun, hand knitted alpaca socks to bed to keep my feet warm. And would you believe that Charlie and I are reading Laura Ingalls Wilder's "The Long Winter?" We read with candles burning, and all snuggled up under Angelica's quilt thrown on my bed. I hope Angelica wasn't cold. :0/

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 10, 2015


I went walking this morning, showered, and started school. Tom took Cuarlie to his fiddle lesson. We did school till 1 pm when we left for gym class. Tom drove us in the big van. We dropped the boys off and then went to Home Depot. Went back and picked them up. Melissa had honey for me, 5 quarts! We drove home. It was pretty windy and the water was choppy.

When I got home I made lunch for us. Mine didn't taste too good. I took a few bites and threw it in the garbage. I ate strawberries instead, as I got a ride from Bobby to my Tai Chi class. 

Charlie had gone with Fran and Hannah in the ice cream truck and came back to the church, so Charlie and I walked home together. All our vehicles were in use and there was nothing for poor little old me. Good thing we live close. 

I watched an algebra lesson, then started supper. I made potato corn chowder,  4x batch. Everyone came over to go to the park and play hockey. While they were gone I did half a math lesson. While eating I finished the lesson and got my best grade ever, only 2 wrong!! We are halfway thru the book. 

I cleaned up and did the dishes, dummy that I am. The kids should be doing it. Then it was after 11. I read to Charlie. We are reading "The Long Winter." This is good weather for it. It's 63 here (nothing like the cold in the book) and my feet are freezing. Charlie snuggled with me in my bed while we read. How did I ever live up in the cold, white north?

Monday, February 9, 2015

February 7, 2015


I slept till 9:45 today. I never sleep that late. I was up a few times during the night though, with a sore throat bothering me. I haven't had one in a few years. 

Ed and Ben went to Key West to set up sound and lights for a show. I did math with Garrett and Tommy. I worked on some knitting and made ginger and curry butternut squash soup for lunch. 

The band went to Sunset Pier. They opened for another band. Kim came over for a little while, then she went to worship band practice, and then she came back and picked me up. We went to the studio and I finished threading my project. Next time I'm there I will start weaving!!

She brought me home. I started feeling more of a cold coming on while I was threading. I made myself tea and knit some more. I read to Charlie and we went to bed. 

Here's pics of Kim's projects.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

February 6, 2015


I finally went walking this morning. I thought it would be cold but it wasn't. We did school all day, till we left for our gig at Schooner Wharf. I felt out of sorts and had to make myself keep doing school. 

When we got there Charlie and I took a walk. We stopped at the pretzel store for a cinnamon and sugar pretzel, then at Kilwin's for chocolate and fudge, and lastly at Duetto's for a Spicy Salamis foccacia. Yum!!!

We had a fun night with special guests at our show. I left 20 minutes before we were done with TJ, Garrett, and Tommy. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

February 5, 2015


I woke up early and went in the hot tub. I had plenty of quiet time and did some reading. I woke up the boys and we started school. We still weren't caught up on dishes, so Garrett washed while I read out loud. Tommy went to his guitar lesson and I did algebra with Garrett. The big kids were at the studio most of the day. I don't know what they are working on right now. 

It was a rainy, gloomy day. Youth group was supposed to be ultimate frisbie at the park but it was canceled because of the rain. TJ dropped off the kids on their way over to their gig at Springer's with Kim.

Tom took Callie in the hot tub, and I took Tommy, Jake, and Violet over to Springer's. Jake sang two songs. Tom sent Garrett over with Charlie to play his fiddle. He played "Oh Susanna" with them, his first time playing fiddle on stage. He did great!!

We walked home. Poor Violet. She's getting teeth and wasn't feeling too good.

I made a stir fry with millet. We ate. TJ picked up the kids. I read to Charlie and went to bed.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4, 2015


I got up this morning to a pretty messy kitchen. I cleaned up a little and started school with Garrett. When Tommy was finally ready we started our normal routine. 

The big kids went to a meeting and Nina brought us their leftover pizza for lunch. We were very excited about that. After we ate that, we ate the leftover apple crisp from yesterday. I had also made a Buffalo Chicken Lasagna with leftover dip that the kids made for the Super Bowl. I thought I was inventing a new recipe (It was delicious) but I googled it and apparently others are already making it. 

Anyways, we did school together till Tommy left for art class at 3 o'clock. Then Garrett worked on his own. I got a baby dress ready for smocking and put it through my pleater. I also hemmed two pairs of pants for the boys' friend who is going to the police academy. 

Kim came over with Stevie and we ate leftover lasagna. Then I loaded the dishwasher and washed a few more dishes until it was time to go to church. We went to Bible study. Grandpa Bob and Grandma Helen got to the Keys yesterday and we saw them at church. 

We came home, ate a little leftover ice cream, and then I watched an episode of "The Walton's" with Charlie. The big kids went to the young adult group and then they all went to play volleyball. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

February 1, 2015


Went to church, then hurried home to get ready for our gig on Big Pine, Terry Cassidy's Super Bowl Pickin' party. 

Tom and I took the the van and trailer over with Joe and Jake. I had a blanket, beach chairs, my big floppy hat, and my knitting. I had a great time just sitting, listening to music in the sunshine.  Lazy day for me. Yay! 

After the kids played they headed to a Super Bowl party with their friends from church. They made three trays of Buffalo Chicken  Wing Dip and added to the kitchen mess from the night before.

When I got home I loaded the dishwasher and washed a pile of dishes. Garrett did a bunch too. Then Tom and I went to Byron and Ida's to watch the game. More lazy time for me. I finished knitting another sweater for Violet. I wove in the loose ends and it is done. 

Charlie spent the afternoon with friends and they flew kites. He had a blast. 

January 31, 2015


I had many things on my "to do" list but didn't get many done. I did Algebra with Garrett and it seed to take half the day. I did laundry and wateredy plants on the porch. The laundry and dishes have been horrible lately. 

Tommy went kayaking with a group from church. 

At 4:30 Charlie and I went to Kim's studio. I threaded heddles for 2 1/2 hours. I  am half way done with that. When we went to leave, I couldn't get the key in the ignition of the car so Kim took us home. 

The boys played hockey and I made spaghetti and a salad.  What a mess. I went to bed and no one cleaned up. 

January 30, 2015


School. School. School. And dishes, dishes, dishes. 

Tom and I went on a date to Blue Heaven. Our friend is a manager there and it was good to see him. On our way there we took Joe to get his blood work done, but the script was never phoned in so it was a wasted trip for Joe. Luckily for Joe, Rob was headed up to Big Pine for hockey so Joe caught a ride back with him.

We had a great dinner. I wish the night had gone by slower. 

After we got home Charlie and I went grocery shopping at Winn Dixie. We got home at 11 PM. :0/

Sunday, February 1, 2015

January 29, 2015


We did school all day, but the boys didn't want to get up again. I have a hard time with that. I get up way before them. I don't have time to waste. I have lots of other work to do besides school. I have to fight the urge to quit for the day when they are slackards. So we did school till 4:30. That's when the boys went to youth group and Kiim, TJ, and Ang dropped kids off for Tom and I to babysit.

They all went to their gig at Springer's. Tom ended up taking Stevie for a walk to the park, and I kept the other three at home. Charlie had gone to Bobby's, so I let the kids watch a movie. We ate soup and peanut butter sandwiches. Tom came back. He traded Stevie with Jake  and took Jake to the gig to song a song. 

I never had a chance to make supper for the older kids. Sorry guys. 

January 28, 2015


Everyone had a hard time getting up after our long day yesterday. I woke Tommy up many times but he didn't get up till after one. 

The big kids went to a meeting and the rest of us did school. Garrett and I just got to the halfway point in his algebra book. We're doing it, but lately the lessons are taking so long. I would like to do half a lesson a day, but I have to check and see if we can get it done on time, doing it that way. We can do it 6 days a week. 

We went to church for supper and Bible study at night. Angelica was home again with sick kids so I didn't babysit.