Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 24, 2015


I made banana muffins this morning, a triple batch. We did schoolwork till it was time to leave for gym class. I also watered and fertilized the plants on the porch. My kale is looking great and there are two pineapples growing. The fog this morning was so heavy. It was sunny till we got to the 7 mile bridge. At first I thought it was smoke, but it was fog. It was so weird. When we got to the end of the bridge it was sunny in Marathon.

When we got home I was supposed to go to Tai Chi, but was tired of running so I stayed home. I had the boys do some more schoolwork and I did laundry and made supper, garlic potatoes with kale. 

Tom left about 4:30 to pick up people from the Miami airport. It was quiet at our house for about an hour, then Minoli came over, and then Bob and Shannon and Ailsa. I didn't have enough supper for all these extra people, so I ordered pizza and Bob picked it up for me. Garrett and Tommy did dishes and the 4 kids that went to Buffalo got home from their trip. They brought Tim Horton's coffee, Krispy Kreme donuts, and sponge candy. :0) So I made some coffee, ate a donut, and sampled the candy. What a way to end the day. :0)

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