Monday, February 23, 2015

February 21, 2015

We sent Garrett and Jonathan over to the church for the carwash. 
This morning we left at 11 for Sunset Pier. TJ, Ang, Joe, and Lea played. Tommy helped me watch Jake, Callie, and Violet at the gig. It finally warmed up today and the sun felt so good. 

Stacey's family left later for their gig. They played out in front of the Episcopal Church on Duval St. Lea left the Sunset Pier gig a half hour before they finished. Tom drove her over to the Episopal church.  

When our gig was done we all went to watch Stacey's family. We helped watch the little ones. They drew quite a crowd and it was fun. Afterwards, a woman from the church gave us a little tour of the organ. Rob showed up with his niece and took a great group pic. Most of the kids rode home with Tom in the Sprinter, but Lea, Mike, Joe, and Taylor took a walk to Aaron's house I think. 

Stacey, Lizzie, and I walked a little on Duval. We went in 4 stores and bought chocolate goodies at Kilwin's. Then the above kids met us at Stacey's van and we went home. 

Tom bought subs for everyone from Winn Dixie on the way home. When we got home though, Stacey and I didn't get any, so I ordered us some from Popa Jims. 

TJ came over and gave Stacey's band a critique. That was interesting. While I was finishing up the dishes and trying to get kids to bed, about 11 o'clock, JC showed up with Cora and another girl. I was kind of annoyed. It was already crazy enough and bed time. So I went to bed. 

They were so loud in the living room it was hard to fall asleep. 

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