Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 27, 2015


I finally went grocery shopping this morning. Had a little time for school, then we left for Sloppy Joes. We are so used to playing there on Mondays and Fridays really throw me out of whack. 

Before the show started I went to Duetto's to get coffee drinks for TJ and Ed. There was a homeless woman I recognized sitting on some steps on the way. She didn't look so good. She told me she was hungry, so I bought her my favorite Spicy Salamis Foccacia. She was still there when I walked back so I gave it to her. I hope she liked it. 

I can't get used to playing there on Fridays. Every thing just seems off. TJ, and, and Joe played at Blue Heaven earlier today, then met us at Sloppy's. 

When the show was over TJ got us a few Burger Fi Veggie burgers and we went home. The band left a few minutes later for the Hurricane in Marathon. I stayed home all night and folded laundry. :0/

Here's a pic of my two pineapples and my kale. :0)

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