Monday, February 2, 2015

February 1, 2015


Went to church, then hurried home to get ready for our gig on Big Pine, Terry Cassidy's Super Bowl Pickin' party. 

Tom and I took the the van and trailer over with Joe and Jake. I had a blanket, beach chairs, my big floppy hat, and my knitting. I had a great time just sitting, listening to music in the sunshine.  Lazy day for me. Yay! 

After the kids played they headed to a Super Bowl party with their friends from church. They made three trays of Buffalo Chicken  Wing Dip and added to the kitchen mess from the night before.

When I got home I loaded the dishwasher and washed a pile of dishes. Garrett did a bunch too. Then Tom and I went to Byron and Ida's to watch the game. More lazy time for me. I finished knitting another sweater for Violet. I wove in the loose ends and it is done. 

Charlie spent the afternoon with friends and they flew kites. He had a blast. 

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