Wednesday, February 18, 2015

February 17, 2015


The days have been so busy. Sunday night we played at Schooner and Redhead Express came to the gig. Tom let them play during our break and they blew all of us away. So fun. 

When we got home at 1 AM I readied the living room for Stacey's family to arrive while we were sleeping. I pulled out the couch bed and put out the blankets and pillows. Then I cleaned the kids bathroom because it was so gross. I went to bed at 3 AM.


I made blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes for everyone. Stacey and I walked with the kids to the park. Joe, Luke, and Garrett organized kickball with all the kids After a while Stacey and I went to Winn Dixie. 

Today was to be a huge day. I started baking for Ed's birthday, a brownie-chocolate-peanut-butter-marshmellow-rice-crispy dessert. I made a 4x batch because we were expecting a big crowd. It was us (10), Nina, TJ's family,  Shannon and Bobby, Fraterrigos (9), the Walker family/Redhead Express (12), Rob, and a couple of the kids hockey friends. 

Almost everyone went to the park and played hockey in the evening. I stayed home doing food prep. 

I ordered 13 pizzas for supper and picked them up. Angelica made a large salad and I put out apples and clementines. The Walkers brought ice cream and we had a feast. Our small living room kitchen combo was packed. It was a loud, fun, crazy time with a lot of sharing, questions, laughing, and getting to know each other better. 

We all stayed up too late but it was worth it.


After our breakfast of tofu scramble wraps we put on our swimsuits and sunscreen and headed to the beach at Bahia Honda State Park, but it was full and we were turned away. We went to my friends Ida and Byron's house instead and swam in their pool. They are so kind. :0)

When we got home we made some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. A couple kids got Chinese. Stacey and I took a walk. Then I started supper. We had coconut black beans and rice, then leftover dessert from last night. 

TJ and Angleica came over too. They practiced with Joe and Leah, then the Fraterrigos sang a few songs. More good times. Did the dishes. Then Stacey, Leah, and I stayed up talking till 3 AM. I also had my own Cheryl quilt show. I showed Stacey almost all of the quilts I've made. 

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