Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 10, 2015


I went walking this morning, showered, and started school. Tom took Cuarlie to his fiddle lesson. We did school till 1 pm when we left for gym class. Tom drove us in the big van. We dropped the boys off and then went to Home Depot. Went back and picked them up. Melissa had honey for me, 5 quarts! We drove home. It was pretty windy and the water was choppy.

When I got home I made lunch for us. Mine didn't taste too good. I took a few bites and threw it in the garbage. I ate strawberries instead, as I got a ride from Bobby to my Tai Chi class. 

Charlie had gone with Fran and Hannah in the ice cream truck and came back to the church, so Charlie and I walked home together. All our vehicles were in use and there was nothing for poor little old me. Good thing we live close. 

I watched an algebra lesson, then started supper. I made potato corn chowder,  4x batch. Everyone came over to go to the park and play hockey. While they were gone I did half a math lesson. While eating I finished the lesson and got my best grade ever, only 2 wrong!! We are halfway thru the book. 

I cleaned up and did the dishes, dummy that I am. The kids should be doing it. Then it was after 11. I read to Charlie. We are reading "The Long Winter." This is good weather for it. It's 63 here (nothing like the cold in the book) and my feet are freezing. Charlie snuggled with me in my bed while we read. How did I ever live up in the cold, white north?

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