Friday, February 27, 2015

February 26, 2015


We read on the porch again, and did math, but I just wanted a break. At 4:30 the grand kids were dropped off. Tom came home and we took the kids to the park. We walked there and it was dark when we were walking home. We had flashlights but I don't like walking on the roads after dark, and we were hurrying. 

When we got home I ran upstairs and got Charlie's fiddle, then we walked over to Springer's. Jake sang, Charlie played the fiddle, and Callie danced. If she keeps it up she'll be another Valerie Smith, dancing while she sings and plays. 

After that we hurried back home. Stevie fell asleep and Violet was hungry. Tom fed Violet and I finished supper, a stir-fry and bulgar wheat. I was tired and as soon as the kids were picked up I got ready for bed. Callie and Jake spent the night because TJ would have had to drop them off in the morning anyway, to go to their gig at Blue Heaven. 

I made Callie a bed next to ours and Jake slept with Joe. 

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