Monday, February 9, 2015

February 7, 2015


I slept till 9:45 today. I never sleep that late. I was up a few times during the night though, with a sore throat bothering me. I haven't had one in a few years. 

Ed and Ben went to Key West to set up sound and lights for a show. I did math with Garrett and Tommy. I worked on some knitting and made ginger and curry butternut squash soup for lunch. 

The band went to Sunset Pier. They opened for another band. Kim came over for a little while, then she went to worship band practice, and then she came back and picked me up. We went to the studio and I finished threading my project. Next time I'm there I will start weaving!!

She brought me home. I started feeling more of a cold coming on while I was threading. I made myself tea and knit some more. I read to Charlie and we went to bed. 

Here's pics of Kim's projects.

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