Friday, February 6, 2015

February 5, 2015


I woke up early and went in the hot tub. I had plenty of quiet time and did some reading. I woke up the boys and we started school. We still weren't caught up on dishes, so Garrett washed while I read out loud. Tommy went to his guitar lesson and I did algebra with Garrett. The big kids were at the studio most of the day. I don't know what they are working on right now. 

It was a rainy, gloomy day. Youth group was supposed to be ultimate frisbie at the park but it was canceled because of the rain. TJ dropped off the kids on their way over to their gig at Springer's with Kim.

Tom took Callie in the hot tub, and I took Tommy, Jake, and Violet over to Springer's. Jake sang two songs. Tom sent Garrett over with Charlie to play his fiddle. He played "Oh Susanna" with them, his first time playing fiddle on stage. He did great!!

We walked home. Poor Violet. She's getting teeth and wasn't feeling too good.

I made a stir fry with millet. We ate. TJ picked up the kids. I read to Charlie and went to bed.

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