Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4, 2015


I got up this morning to a pretty messy kitchen. I cleaned up a little and started school with Garrett. When Tommy was finally ready we started our normal routine. 

The big kids went to a meeting and Nina brought us their leftover pizza for lunch. We were very excited about that. After we ate that, we ate the leftover apple crisp from yesterday. I had also made a Buffalo Chicken Lasagna with leftover dip that the kids made for the Super Bowl. I thought I was inventing a new recipe (It was delicious) but I googled it and apparently others are already making it. 

Anyways, we did school together till Tommy left for art class at 3 o'clock. Then Garrett worked on his own. I got a baby dress ready for smocking and put it through my pleater. I also hemmed two pairs of pants for the boys' friend who is going to the police academy. 

Kim came over with Stevie and we ate leftover lasagna. Then I loaded the dishwasher and washed a few more dishes until it was time to go to church. We went to Bible study. Grandpa Bob and Grandma Helen got to the Keys yesterday and we saw them at church. 

We came home, ate a little leftover ice cream, and then I watched an episode of "The Walton's" with Charlie. The big kids went to the young adult group and then they all went to play volleyball. 

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