Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 11, 2015


This morning I couldn't stand the clutter. Instead of starting school, the younger boys and I picked up, did dishes, got the garbage out, and Garrett mowed the grass. 

We started school at 1 o'clock, but my heart wasn't in it today. I did art and science with Charlie. Those are his two favorite subjects. He did his other subjects on his own. Tommy went to art class and I did algebra with Garrett. 

The big kids had a meeting at church and they practiced. Later, Garrett went over to watch Stevie while they practiced for worship, and Tommy went early just because he wanted to. That left just Charlie and I home. Rob stopped by with his friend, John. 

Tom showed up just as Charlie and I were going to start walking to church. We had all kinds of visitors there. Rob and John were there, Grandpa Bob and Grandma Helen, our niece Laura, her husband Steve, and baby Dimitri. At the end of the service we had other company, another family band we met in Branson, MO, was there, the Redhead Express. They had made arrangements with Tom to park their RV at our place while they had gigs in Key West. So they followed us home and figured everything out. 

I guess I've been in FL long enough to say that 63 degrees is cold. I had to wear my hand spun, hand knitted alpaca socks to bed to keep my feet warm. And would you believe that Charlie and I are reading Laura Ingalls Wilder's "The Long Winter?" We read with candles burning, and all snuggled up under Angelica's quilt thrown on my bed. I hope Angelica wasn't cold. :0/

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