Saturday, June 1, 2013

May 29, 2013


I'm falling behind in my journal writing and it's hard to remember what I did. Also, for those of you who comment, I have tried to reply but there seems to be a glitch and it won't let me :0(

I was hoping to not go anywhere today, after so much time spent driving, but Tom and I took TJ and Ang to get their rental car in Orchard Park. We stopped at Tom's sister's house. That was where TJ and family were going to stay. Then went to the car rental place. Then went to Wegman's for groceries. I will never go there again. The store was so big and overwhelming. It took me forever to find things and I didn't find some things I needed. Makes me love our little Big Pine Winn Dixie and Amazon where I buy the hard to find items.

We stopped at Brunner's for my favorite Italian Sausage sub and I split it with Tom. Im not good at sharing food but I'm getting better. Then we went back to Grandma Fran's house. The big kids took off to go bowling with their buddy Ethan. They stopped at Music Exchange in Hamburg to buy some cables for the new sound system and to surprise their former teacher, Andy Cushing. Andy surprised them by not acting surprised. The boys really like him. They would have liked to keep taking lessons from him but moving away ended that.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I was cooking up some grub; coconut beans, corn on the cob, a salad, and watermelon. My brother Darryl and his wife Carol brought their 3 kids over and we ate together. It was a good meal.

Tried to get everyone to bed earlier but they all stayed up late. I was probably the first one to bed.

1 comment:

  1. Cut yourself a break while on your trip ... your past daily writing, without fail, has bought you some time with me anyway. Take the moments for yourself, if possible. But I guess that is always the challenge in your world. God Speed!
