Thursday, December 11, 2014

December 10, 2014


The first text I got during the night was from Nina. She caught Garrett downstairs smoking. I already had a headache and took some ibuprofin. The next text came about an hour later but I didn't see it till the morning. Kurt got two tickets last night, one for speeding, 54 in a 45, and another for not having his license on him. 

I didn't get my quiet time in, but we went out to breakfast with John T. After that we to pick up the trailer. They wanted an extra hundred dollars if we paid with the credit card, so we had to drive to a Bank of America to get the money instead. 

While driving, Tom was on hold again with the IRS, trying to figure out why the transcript they sent us for our 2013 taxes only had one number on it. To make it short, they say we didn't file 2012 and that for 2013, maybe our accountant pushed a wrong key because their was only one number on the return. The accountant electronically filed for 2012 and we have the receipt. Doesn't seem to mean much. So about a month ago Tom made copies and mailed it snail mail. For our 2013 taxes, Tom mailed them. The IRS got the check, but our taxes are no where. What a mess. We were supposed to give these transcripts to Habitat for the house we were applying for. Looks like that won't happen.

When Tom got off the phone with the IRS, the shop called that has our Sprinter van. They fixed a broken pulley, or something like that, but now a light came on. That light means it has only so many starts and then it won't start anymore without getting it serviced. That's the problem we had before, a few times, and it's already been in the shop for over a month for. We're starting to think we have a lemon. We talked about trading it in, while we were towing the trailer we just bought that matched it. Grrr.  After a while the garage called again and said the light went off and everything was fine. Is it? 

We never had lunch or water or anything, because Tom was on the phone with the IRS, while driving the 5 1/2 hours home. I also told Garrett he could tell Tom himself what he was doing. 

We got to church a little late, then went to babysit at TJ's afterwards. The kids were good. I got them to bed and did the dishes. Ang had the book, "On the Banks of Plum Creek,"  so I read to Charlie until TJ and Ang got home. We went home, ate some frozen pizza (compliments of Joe) and ice cream (compliments of Ben and Ed) and went to bed.

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