Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16, 2014


I went with TJ and Ang to Blue Heaven to watch Violet. Ben and Joe had dentist appointments in Key West. Tom took Charlie to his fiddle lesson/Christmas party, and Nina took all the younger kids to gym class in Marathon. 

Violet was super good and I had an easy time watching her. When we left the gig Naomi joined us and we stopped at the AT&T store to get Naomi's phone activated. We went to Kmart, Ross. And Pier 1, my favorite. I bought five ornaments.

When we got home I laid down for a few minutes, then made my bed and put some laundry away. Joe had folded some but not all the laundry. He must think that I don't notice that he never does the whole job.

Then I took Charlie, Ian, and Ariel to a Christmas party. It was just a couple miles away and TJ and family were there, along with some other friends and it was fun. The little girls were wearing their pretty Christmas dresses. 

Went home a little after 8, and, after Ariel got out of her dress, I dropped off the kids at the park where the boys were playing hockey. I came home and made supper, brown rice, steamed veggies, and a salad. 

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