Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 28, 2014


Kurt woke me up with a text at 7:55 AM :0/ I can never fall back asleep, so I got up. I had some quiet time and went in the hot tub. I madei oatmeal and Tom and I went to church. Joe stayed home sick in bed with a fever, sleeping. 

Ben, Emma, and Ed went to Nina's gig at Sunset Pier. 

After church, Kim and Angelica came over with the grand kids and we quilted on Angelica's quilt. After they went home I embroidered. Then it was time to go to Schooner Wharf. Rob took me to another restaurant for supper. Thanks Rob! 

Another nice night, temperature wise. The bench at our table got awful hard after sitting on it for 4 hours.  I did take a walk to Duetto's for affagato. I knitted. Then we drove home. 

Tom worked on the van this afternoon. How do you like his garage?

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