Thursday, December 25, 2014

December 24, 2014


I made the dough for se pastries when I got up. Joe went with me to Walgreens to help me with stocking stuffers for 15 stockings. I took that stuff home, then took Tommy, Charlie, and Aaron to Winn Dixie for last minute food items. That was it for shopping for me. Done. Yay!!

I made more dough for other pastries. No one else really cares for them, but I grew up with them and they are a part of Christmas. 

We went to the 5:00 PM Chrostmas Eve service. It was packed. Garrett and Tommy, and Kurt worked at church for both services. 

Ed, Ben, Aaron, and Garrett made Glish muffin pizzas for supper and the watched movies, "Fellowship of the Rings," and "Elf." 

I finished wrapping presents and Ariel was still up at 2 am.  I got the presents under the tree and decided to do the stockings in the morning. 

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