Monday, December 8, 2014

December 7, 2014


I got up early to go walking. I used to take Sundays off but hadn't walked since Tuesday. I took Charlie to the 9:30 church service, dropped him off at a birthday party at the park, and then I went to TJ's to watch Jake and Callie so Angelica and Violet could sleep. They were all sick this past week too and got little sleep. 

About 2 o'clock TJ came home and I went home. We weren't home too long, then went to Callie's dance recital in Marathon. That was fun, but Tom and I were a little late. We saw her 2nd dance though, and TJ taped the 1st one. 

Went back home. Tom and I went to church. I needed to go to Winn Dixie and make supper, but I went to bed instead. Charlie came in and I read to him. I finally took some cold medicine and fell asleep.

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