Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December 9, 2014


Our original plan was for Tom and I to leave for Fort Pierce this morning to get a new trailer that Tom bought. It's bigger than our old one, and black to match the new van. We were going to stay for two nights, but a cold front and other reasons kept it to one night. Anyways,  Tj texted me with news that Angelica and Violet were up all night sick, and he needed someone else to play at Blue Heaven with him. Ben and Joe had dentist appointments later in the morning, and Nina and Ed were recording till 3 in the morning (with Ben) so no one wanted to go. I volunteered to help out, even though I've hardly played guitar in years and I'm not very good. TJ almost cancelled but gave me a chance. :0)

So that's what happened. TJ picked me up. I did ok on some songs and stunk on the rest. TJ said I did good but I think he was just trying to make me feel good, which I appreciate. We played all instrumentals, me on rhythm guitar and TJ with all the leads.

After about two hours, Ben came from his dentist appointment and relieved me. I wanted to stay and listen but I had to go get Joe from his appointment. Then Joe ended up going to a friend's house and I drove home alone.

When I got home I packed a bag for Fort Pierce and Tom and I left at 3:30 PM. We drove 5 1/2 hours. At home, while the boys were getting ready for hockey, Ian fell onto the pipes by the hose bib and the pipe cracked, water squirting everywhere. The only turn-off turned off the water to the whole house. To make a long story short, our wonderful friend, Randy, came over and fixed it in the dark, so they could have water in the house. Thank you Randy!!

We made it to John's house, visited, and went to bed. The temp was down around 50, cold for these parts. I was comfy, and warm, but couldn't sleep. I had a headache and my neck hurt. When I was almost asleep I got a text on my phone, which I haven't dealt with yet, so I'm not going to share, but it wasn't good news. Then it took even longer to fall asleep. When I woke up, there was another text with more bad news, but I will save that for tomorrow. 

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