Saturday, December 27, 2014

December 26, 2014


I went walking this morning. I cleaned and swept, candy wrappers and garbage. I also did laundry and dishes. 
Then I sat at the table and did embroidery, practicing a new stitch. It was hard and sloppy but I'll keep trying. 

I watched TJ's kids while they played at Blue Heaven. Garrett and Tommy helped me. Charlie slept over at Shannon's and was gone most of the day so it was pretty peaceful without him fighting with Jake. I really need to work on some stuff with him, how he treats people and how he acts.

About 4 o'clock we went to our gig at Tarpon Creek. It was a comfortable night. I brought my embroidery and worked at that. I also played "Old Maid" with Charlie, Tommy, and Jake. Charlie was too bratty though, and I quit. My friend, Carolyn, came with her son and then the kids were better. 

I was so tired when we got home. I went straight to bed.

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