Monday, December 8, 2014

December 6, 2014


This morning Nira picked me up at 10 and we went to Mangrove Mama's for breakfast. Next stop was the Sugarloaf Craft Fair. It was my favorite craft show, but this year there was fewer vendors and fewer shoppers. Not as much fun, but I bought a few Christmas presents and it was a fun morning out. 

Kim's Mother-In-Law had a table at the craft fair. She let me put a basket of homespun yarn and some baby dresses at her table. She didn't sell much and I didn't sell anything. 

The band went to their gig at Sunset Pier.  Tommy went with Kim to the beach baptism at Bahia Honda. I spent the afternoon folding laundry, then went to Kim's and wove. I spent the rest of the evening sitting in my queen's chair doing embroidery. 

The band had a late night at the Hurricane. 

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