Monday, December 1, 2014

December 1, 2014


I let myself sleep in since a good portion of us are sick. Tom was sick all night, tossing and turning. I had my quiet time, went in the hot tub, spread my laundry out on the porch, and then went walking.

Charlie was up early but then fell asleep on the couch. I decided not to do school since all three of my students were sick. I paid bills. There wasn't much time to do anything else. I decided to leave Garrett and Charlie home too.

I woke Tom up 20 minutes before we had to leave. We left an hour early because we had an interview before Sloppy Joes. The kids are great at interviews but I don't really like them. I'd rather the kids did the talking. We were interviewed one at a time, and it went fine.

The gig went well. TJ and Tom were sick. Tom slept in the van most of the first set and Aaron ran sound. TJ was a trooper and played the whole gig. It was easier for me without Jake and Charlie. 

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