Friday, December 12, 2014

December 12, 2014


TJ dropped of Jake and Callie at 8:30 AM and picked up Tommy. They went to their gig at blue Heaven and Toy went to babysit Violet. I fed Jake, Callie, and I breakfast , then copied our taxes again, this time for Medicaid. 

I went over Garrett's mistakes on the previous day's lesson, then we both did a test. Garrett also wasted an hour in the bathroom. Ain't got time for that. We just did algebra all day, then he finished his science test. Just after 6 o'clock we headed over to the church for movie night. We had fun, eating popcorn and cupcakes during the movie. 

Came home and about a half hour later Angelica arrived ready to toake the kids home. She, TJ, Nina, and Ed had a second gig at the Little White House in Key West. After that, Ang, Tommy, and Violet came home, everyone else went to Schooner, gig #3. 

I helped to get kids in Ang's truck and she took them home. I ordered a pizza and picked it up. We (Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, and I ate and watched a chrisas movie. It was ok. 

It was a trying day. Charlie didn't always get along with Jake, and Kurt was being a dookie. He sea to think he doesn't have to tell people where he's going.

I read tommy and Charlie at midnight and went to bed. Oh, Ben cut Garrett's hair too! He looks like Ben and Tommy

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