Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December 2, 2014


Today was a day of changed plans. 

I was supposed to go to Blue Heaven this morning and watch Violet, but Jake was really sick and needed TJ to stay home. So TJ stayed home with the kids and Nina and Angelica went to the gig.

I decided not to do school again, as lots of people were still sick. I went to Kim's and wove. I brought two loads of wet laundry with me and dried them in Alice's dryer. Ben took Charlie to his fiddle lesson. Tom took Garrett to the dentist but made me drive to Winn Dixie to switch cars with him. Then I went back to Kim's studio.

When I came home I spent more time on the porch spreading out laundry. I had Garrett and Tommy do some science. I thought there was gym class today but there wasn't. Then I thought Tai Chi started today, but it's next Tuesday. 

I made supper. Only Ed and I would eat it. The boys played hockey, but Tom was too sick to play. He slept in bed all day, except for when he took Garrett to the dentist.

I read to Charlie and we went to bed. The big kids and Tom stayed up  

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