Friday, December 26, 2014

December 25, 2014


Yay!! Christmas Day!!! I got up to my alarm at 7, took Excedrine, and stuffed stockings with goodies. I felt sick to my stomach, along with the headache, so I ate some applesauce. I finally gave in to my stomach and threw up. :0( I finished the stockings, took them to the living room, got a bag of frozen carrots for my head, and went back to bed. I didn't fall back to sleep, but by 9 o'clock I felt much better and got up. 

I put cinnamon rolls in the oven and took a shower. Others started getting up. Tj came over at 12, and about 12:30 we started opening presents. Kim and Doug came over, and Rob and Anastasia, and we opened presents, one at a time, till 2 o'clock. It was a fun, pleasant morning and afternoon. It went much better than I thought it would. 

After TJ, Kim, and Rob left, I cleaned up for a while and started playing with my new embroidery stuff the kids got me. Then I remembered I needed to make supper, so I madei chilli, and it turned out to be the best chilli I ever made. I'll keep this recipe. I also made 2 apple pies. 

Ben left at some point to drive to Miami to pick up Emma from the airport. Ed and Nina went with him. After we ate, I worked at more embroidery, and more cleaning up. 

It was a great day. Merry Christmas every one!  

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