Sunday, March 1, 2015

February 28, 2015


This morning I woke up early and went in the hot tub. When I came in I woke Tommy up to go kayaking with a group from church. The poor, tired band got up and went to Sunset Pier.  

I decided to tackle some sewing projects today. I hemmed Rob's shirt, sewed two patches on Jonathan's backpack, mended Aaron's jeans, and sewed buttonholes and buttons on two baby dresses. 

At 4:30 I went to Kim's studio and we beamed my project. I had some threading errors and Kim figured it out and fixed it. Then we started weaving. It's a lace weave, huck lace, and it looks so cool. It's going to be fun. And it reminds me of taffy from the Erie County Fair, cinnamon taffy. 

I went home and picked up the living room and kitchen. Then and left for the Hurricane.  Angelica dropped off the kids and she and Nina went to a party. Tommy was pretty lazy. I had to make him help me. Garrett came home from working at church and was helpful. He held Violet  while I made an apple pie. Ang and Nina came home and Ang took the kids home. The pie was ready at 11. We each had a piece and went to bed. 

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