Friday, July 31, 2015

July 31, 2015


Kim and I were supposed to walk this morning, but didn't. She had a rough night and I was just too hot sitting in my chair reading. (The heat index was 107 when the boys left for Schooner). 

I went grocery shopping and put it all away. Can you picture me strategically placing everything in my fridge so it will fit? I should take a picture. :0)

Tommy and Charlie did some schoolwork and Garrett and I finally finished lesson 84 in algebra (for the 2nd time)). We are 3/4 thru the book. We also took his last Bible test. Yes! That's two classes done. He has till October 15 to finish, or we can get an extension but I hope to finish. 

The band went to Schooner. I decided to stay home and go tomorrow. I did another lesson in the class I'm taking, then folded the mountain of laundry that Joe is behind on. I've been fighting a yucky feeling the last couple of days. I keep making myself do things that I know need to get done. Clutter is really bothering me, and my dirty bathroom. I cleaned one sink today, the shower two days ago, and tomorrow I hope to finish it up. 

All the laundry is folded and I put away what I could. The rest is folded and on a shelf in the hallway. I don't know which shirt is whose. So they will have to claim them tomorrow. 

I had a pretty garland of Hawaiian flower lights on the headboard of my bed and most of it quit working a few days ago so I took it off. One of the plug's prongs was ready to fall out. Why are things made so cheaply? Just junk. :0(

I read  "Little Britches" to Charlie. Makes me want to move out to the sticks and homestead. Eh, that's a lot of work. Maybe not. I'm getting old. I just need a little elbow room and a place to put my feet up and enjoy a view. 

Here arey two favorite Diane Phalen pics.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

July 30, 2015


I went walking and got started with algebra with Garrett. Tommy worked on his schoolwork, and Charlie went for a fun day with Hannah.

Tom and I had the night off and were looking for something to do, and it ended up being a trip on Randy and Mikki's boat to the sandbar at Bahia Honda. We went out about 3 and came in about 9. 

The kids had youth group tonight. 

Here's pics of Little Palm Island and Tom
and Randy. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

July 27, 2015


Kim came over this morning and we went walking. Tommy helped watch Stevie and Reed. It's 90 everyday but feels like 100.

I did paperwork and schoolwork. Things are getting cluttered again. It gives me the heebie-geebies. I need some order. 

There wasn't much time before we had to leave for Sloppy Joes. I hoped to do an algebra lesson with Garrett but didn't get to it. I'll try it tomorrow. 

July 26, 2015


We went to church. Some of the kids led worship. Afterwards Kim came over and I made chocolate chip cookies. Nina made Buffalo chicken wing dip, and we took the food over to Mikki and Randy's to watch the race. Randy made hamburgers and hot dogs and we all ate too much. It was a great afternoon. We all had today off.

In the evening Tom and I went to church, then the boys played hockey. I did some schoolwork until everyone came in from the park. After all the friends left I read to Charlie and went to bed. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

July 25, 2015


I didn't walk this morning because it was raining. Instead, I made everyone pancakes, then the band was off to Sunset Pier. I did paperwork most of the afternoon, some of which was for the upcoming school year. I practiced classical guitar a little, did laundry, and did some picking up. Everywhere I look there's a job. You'd think in this little house I could make some order. Ugh!! 

The band stopped in between gigs and half of them took naps, then they were off to the Hurricane. I went to Winn Dixie and then the kids here watched a movie and ate chips. I was going to quilt on the tractor quilt but couldn't find the stencils I made for it, so I spent time on the computer getting some new animal shapes to trace and use for quilting. 

I read to Charlie. We are reading Little Britches.  It's a true story that starts out in 1906. In today's reading they went to a farm auction. It sounded so fun. I went to one horse auction when I was a teen. I guess I'm longing for a simpler time. 

Here's a pic of Aaron and Kurt being...Aaron and Kurt. 

Friday, July 24, 2015

July 24, 2015


I drove the Sprinter to Kim's to go walking with her this morning. We had the kids and Reed was good most of the time. Kim walked 2 miles and then I went on for one more. 

I worked on bookkeepimg all day after that. I'm just about done.  Then did the dishes. I moved the laundry and folded towels. The band went to the Hurricane but I stayed home. Garrett and Charlie went to the movie night at church. I made myself a pulled pork sandwich with no pork, but used mushrooms and onions instead. I made Charlie a tuna fish sandwich.

Garrett slept at Jonathan's. I read to Charlie and went to bed.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

July 23, 2015


Tom, Tommy, Charlie, and I were invited by friends out on a boat to Marvin island today. It was a great day. The pics say it all.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 22, 2015

Kim came over and we went walking. Then we took Garrett and Charlie with us to Aida's house to go swimming. We had Stevie and Reed too. Tommy stayed home and did his math and omnibus.

When we got home I made lunch, bulgar wheat confetti salad. Then, everyone here went with Tom and I to get our new table and chairs. It's all set up in the kitchen now but I forgot to take a picture. I'll try tomorrow. I fit ten chairs around the table. 

We went to church in the evening. Then Tom and I went to Winn Dixie to get some fruit and salad stuff. We got invited to go out on a boat tomorrow and that's what we are contributing. 

Once home, I made us a salad with ambrosia on the top. It was very yummy. I next had to help Charlie with his infected finger. He chews his nails and this is the 3rd infection he's had around a fingernail. He won't let anyone touch it so I coach him on soaking it, pricking it, and getting the puss out. I don't think we got it all. If not, we will work on it again tomorrow night. 

Here's a pic of Ben with his Superman curl. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

July 21, 2015


I went walking this morning. All the streets are being torn up to put sewers in. I have to dodge the dump trucks. Tom dropped me off at Winn Dixie so I could get groceries, then picked me up when I was done. 

Kurt and Minoli worked on Kurt's car. I put groceries away and made lunch. Tommy did schoolwork. Then just before we left for Sloppy's I remembered that I was supposed to go look at a kitchen table a few blocks away.  Minoli took me over there and I bought the table. We will get it tomorrow. 

We went to Sloppy's. The crowd was great tonight and we sold a lot of CDs. Charlie and I took a walk and I snapped a few pics. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

July 20, 2015


This morning I went to Kim's to walk with her and the littles. I had no car to drive, so I rode a bike. The seat kept lowering, the handlebars had duct tape on them, and in the heat, the sticky stuff was oozing everywhere, including all over my hands. Then the stupid chain fell off and I couldn't get it back on, because there's a chain guard in the way. Luckily, I had my phone and Doug picked me and my sorry bike up. 

Kim and I walked. Stevie was very good but Reed cried most of the time. Then Kim took me home and stayed a little bit. I ate breakfast and then Kurt dropped Charlie and I off at Ida's (Aida's) to go swimming. We had a most excellent time, but it came to an end. Tom picked us up. Once home we hurried to get ready to leave for our gig. 

Sloppy's was busy and it was a long night. 

July 19, 2015


We went to church, then Kim and Ang came over with kids. We had 20 people sleeping at our house last night. That's a full house. 

After Kim and Ang left I went through more mail. Tommy was picked up for
Cameron's birthday party in Marathon. The rest of us left for Schooner Wharf at 4:30. TJ's family met us there. Angelica and Jake sang. TJ played in the first song of the second set, then Charlie and I went home with them. TJ had been up since 5 in the morning so he went home early. 

I read to Charlie and we went to bed. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

July 18, 2015


I made Tommy go walking with me this morning. I need to get back in the habit. After breakfast Tom, Charlie, and I went to TJ's house. His truck battery was dead. When we went to leave our house, our car battery was dead also, so we took the Sprinter. I visited with Kim for a few minutes. Then went over to TJ's. Then back home. 

Ii kept unpacking and putting things away. As usual, Kurt was with friends in KW and Ben was on the computer playing video games, like there's nothing to do here. Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, Shannon,  and I cleaned out the van. They all wanted to go to their favorite Big Pine restaurant, Coco's Kitchen,  and I told them they could go after we cleaned out the van. Then I made Ben vacuum it. 

In the afternoon my ambition vanished. I sat in my room and did nothing. Wasted time. I hate it when I feel like that. When the boys went to the park, I made a taco salad with TVP instead of meat, no cheese or sour cream. The came back. We ate. I did dishes. Tommy helped. The kids all watched a movie and I went to bed. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

July 17, 2015


Jake woke up during the night and wanted TJ. Ed rubbed his back and he went back to sleep. I slept really well in a comfy bed. I am very thankful that Joe and Chris invited is into their home. 

Joe had coffee and breakfast for us. We packed up our stuff for the last time on this trip, took some pictures by magic rock, and we were off about 10 AM. 

It was a long drive. We met one of Tom's friends, John Travers, at am exit of the 95 and we ate lunch at Hardee's. That was a nice break, then we were on the road again.

Did I mention it was a long drive? I want to paint our bathroom and possibly our bedroom, so I was looking for ideas. I didn't do any embroidery. I should have. I could have finished the pillowcase. Tom and I listened to some lectures too.

And finally, we got home!! Jonathan was mowing our grass. I watered my plants. I think half of them are dead. A few might come back. We will see. It's an excuse to clean them out and change things. 

The big kids took off to see friends. I emptied the cooler and our food drawers that were in the back of the van. Since the fridge was almost empty and dirty, I cleaned most of it before putting stuff in. Tom laid down for a nap. 

Nina, her grandmother, and cousins came in. They are staying for two weeks at our house. It's always fun having guests. :0) Then TJ and Ang came rolling into town and they picked up Jake, who didn't want to leave now because he had new friends to play with. 

I showered and got ready for bed. Kurt came home with Marshall. It was good to see him. 

I forgot to mention that on Tuesday Garrett wiped out on his skate board going down a hill. He is recovering nicely. Do you think he will start wearing a helmet? Probably not. 

July 16, 2015


I woke up with a migraine but quickly took medicine and iced my head and neck and it went away. Packing up was fairly easy and not to hurried since all we did was sleep. I really wish we could have stayed. I didn't want to leave. We left the lake house at 11 AM and drove all day, from Pulaski, VA to St. Augustine, FL.

We arrived at Uncle Joe's before 9 o'clock where a delicious spread of food and a big comfy couch awaited us. We ate and visited with Joe and his wife and the kids watched TV. We stayed up late and after I went to bed I had to get up 3 times and tell kids to quit talking and go to sleep. 

I didn't take any pictures today. :0/

Thursday, July 16, 2015

July 15, 2015


We packed up crazy like we always do. It wasn't too bad. We pulled out only 19 minutes late. That's the closest we've ever been to our departure time. Our first stops were the Indian Reservation for gas and then we met TJ at Tim Horton's for breakfast in Irving, NY.

Just after we got on the 79 headed towards Pittsburg we thought TJ had a blowout, but actually, his driver side rear tire came off his van. We had to get off the 79, get back on, get off again and come back to where they were. Tom talked with his cousin Jack about everything. Jack told him to go find the tire. Tom found it in the wooded, marshy median, and that ended up helping a lot.
They needed the tire to get the van on the flatbed. The tow truck driver was trying to drag it on which would have wrecked it more. They took a few lug nuts from the other tire and put it back on to get it up on the flatbed. 

The garage they took the van to was called "New Life Automotive," ten miles away. They were awesome and started working on the van right when we brought it in. 

We thought we were going to miss our gig in WV, but decided to leave TJ, his, family, and camper at the auto shop. We went back to the 79 and got TJ's camper and took it to the shop. With TJ's family in our van we had the exact number of seats that we needed (15). Jake went with us, we said our goodbyes, and headed out to The Railyard in Bluefield, WV.

We were supposed to play 7-10, but they changed it to 9-12. We arrived at 8:49. The boys were grumpy, but set up quickly, and started about 9:15 I think. There was a big room upstairs, where we played last time, that they let the little kids and me hang out in. They also had food for us and set it up as a buffet, so we all got to eat. I worked on my embroidery most of the time.

When they were done the boys broke down faster than I've ever seen them. We had an hour drive to Tom Cole's lake house where we spent the night in blissful slumber.

The shop had TJ's family back on the road around 6 I think. The backing plate that is part of the axle was damaged bad. They got their torches out, refabricated the plate, then rebuilt it. All for under $300! Amazing! He fixed the whole thing for less than what it would have cost to buy a new tire and rim.

TJ decided to travel a different way than us, to avoid the WV mountains, since they couldn't make it for the gig. We hope to meet on the 95 somewhere tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

July 14, 2015


We were going to leave today, but everyone wanted to stay one more day to hang with family. I wanted to relax a little today, but I kept getting ready to leave. 

It rained on and off most of the day, so I picked raspberries every time I noticed it wasn't raining. Sometimes dad picked with me.  I made two batches of raspberry jam and made white bean soup again for supper. I tried cutting the watermelon I bought yesterday but it smelled bad and felt slimy. I ironed some transfers onto pillow cases and a dish towel. Tom went to Help TJ get his new camper ready for the road. Joe and Rita visited Caleb. 

I did dishes and moved our food out of the fridge and into the cooler. I almost went swimming about 10 o'clock at night, but the mosquitos chased me away. It wasn't hot out, or even warm, but I was hot. I took a shower instead. Tom visited cousins in Orcjard Park in the afternoon, then visited others in the evening out at the lake. 

Early this morning, Nina, Naomi, and Aaron flew back to Key West. Kim and Doug flew home this morning too. 

My day wasn't too bad, but I was tired of being on my feet. I ended the day with a small piece of raspberry pie and a cup of decaf Tim Horton's coffee. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 13, 2015


Mom and I went to Walmart for a few things. On the way home I bought three subs from my favorite restaurant, John and Mary's, in Hamburg. They were for Mom, Dad, Charlie, Garrett, Tommy, and me. Garrett wasn't home so Ed got his. 

A group of kids decided to go to Darien Lake and left before I got back. Then Carol came up with the kids for Rose's birthday party. Kim and Doug came over too. The little kids swam. Then Doug, Ed, Tommy, Hal, and all the other bigger kids that didn't go to Darien Lake went gocart racing. The other group might have met them there. 

Darryl brought wings and pizza, and the birthday cake. TJ and Angelica came with the kids too. It was crazy but fun. Later, Tom went to Orchard Park to visit his cousins. 

There was never time for dad or me to pick raspberries. Charlie and I stayed up late watching the justice channel. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

July 12, 2015


I was awakened by a a phone call sometime after 11 AM. Garrett and Tom finished painting and Charlie spent time shooting with the bow and arrow. I didn't really do much of anything till we got ready to go to Emma's graduation party at 4 o'clock. All of us went except Kim and Doug.

Most of the night I sat and talked with Jewel's parents. Then I sat by the fire for a little while. The kids put off Chinese lanterns into the sky. That was neat. 

I was really tired, probably from our late drive the night before. Emma's mom brought out some Buffalo chicken wing dip for me, and then we went home. 

My neck and shoulder have been bothering me, and Nina had a comfy pillow she didn't like, so I bought it from her. It's great and I'm sleeping better.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

July 11, 2015


Today is our anniversary, 29 years.

We left at 8 AM for a gig in Sandusky, OH. It was a wedding. We got there at 1 and set up. The bride and groom had seen us play in Key West, that's how we got hired. 

Everything was at a marina. The groom
and groomsmen arrived on 4 cigarette boats. The ceremony was by the water. Dinner was inside and then the band played outside on a big stage with plenty of patio around it. 

It was a fun time. The bride brought me a glass of champagne because Tom told her when they hired us that it was our anniversary. She was very kind. Everyone was. 

One of the guests dressed up in a minion costume and danced with the bride and groom. Then a helicopter came and took the bride and groom away. 

After breaking down the equipment we drove home. Oh, I almost forgot. On the way there we made a stop outside of Cleveland at a Cracker Barrel and Tom left his phone in the bathroom. We didn't realize it till we were at the wedding. He called there and they arranged a place for us to pick it up outside. 

We got to my mom's at 3:30 AM. I don't like traveling after 1 AM. 

Saturday, July 11, 2015

July 10, 2015


Today was a busy day. I picked 11 pints of raspberries. That was just down one side of the bushes. Dad had to pick the rest. I also picked Japanese Beatles off the plants. 

Next, we went to Erica's house for Alex and Erin's graduation party. Everyone had a ball playing in the yard and pond. Tom and I left about 6:30 to pick up Kim and Doug from the airport, went back to Erica's, and made s'mores by the fire. 

At 10, we took Kim and Doug to Grandpa Bob's where they were staying. Then stopped at Jewel's house. It was late, and we hadn't planned on staying, but we went in and had a great time visiting. We could have stayed later, but I knew we had to get up and leave for our gig in Sandusky, OH tomorrow.