Wednesday, July 22, 2015

July 22, 2015

Kim came over and we went walking. Then we took Garrett and Charlie with us to Aida's house to go swimming. We had Stevie and Reed too. Tommy stayed home and did his math and omnibus.

When we got home I made lunch, bulgar wheat confetti salad. Then, everyone here went with Tom and I to get our new table and chairs. It's all set up in the kitchen now but I forgot to take a picture. I'll try tomorrow. I fit ten chairs around the table. 

We went to church in the evening. Then Tom and I went to Winn Dixie to get some fruit and salad stuff. We got invited to go out on a boat tomorrow and that's what we are contributing. 

Once home, I made us a salad with ambrosia on the top. It was very yummy. I next had to help Charlie with his infected finger. He chews his nails and this is the 3rd infection he's had around a fingernail. He won't let anyone touch it so I coach him on soaking it, pricking it, and getting the puss out. I don't think we got it all. If not, we will work on it again tomorrow night. 

Here's a pic of Ben with his Superman curl. 

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