Friday, July 31, 2015

July 31, 2015


Kim and I were supposed to walk this morning, but didn't. She had a rough night and I was just too hot sitting in my chair reading. (The heat index was 107 when the boys left for Schooner). 

I went grocery shopping and put it all away. Can you picture me strategically placing everything in my fridge so it will fit? I should take a picture. :0)

Tommy and Charlie did some schoolwork and Garrett and I finally finished lesson 84 in algebra (for the 2nd time)). We are 3/4 thru the book. We also took his last Bible test. Yes! That's two classes done. He has till October 15 to finish, or we can get an extension but I hope to finish. 

The band went to Schooner. I decided to stay home and go tomorrow. I did another lesson in the class I'm taking, then folded the mountain of laundry that Joe is behind on. I've been fighting a yucky feeling the last couple of days. I keep making myself do things that I know need to get done. Clutter is really bothering me, and my dirty bathroom. I cleaned one sink today, the shower two days ago, and tomorrow I hope to finish it up. 

All the laundry is folded and I put away what I could. The rest is folded and on a shelf in the hallway. I don't know which shirt is whose. So they will have to claim them tomorrow. 

I had a pretty garland of Hawaiian flower lights on the headboard of my bed and most of it quit working a few days ago so I took it off. One of the plug's prongs was ready to fall out. Why are things made so cheaply? Just junk. :0(

I read  "Little Britches" to Charlie. Makes me want to move out to the sticks and homestead. Eh, that's a lot of work. Maybe not. I'm getting old. I just need a little elbow room and a place to put my feet up and enjoy a view. 

Here arey two favorite Diane Phalen pics.

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