Saturday, July 25, 2015

July 25, 2015


I didn't walk this morning because it was raining. Instead, I made everyone pancakes, then the band was off to Sunset Pier. I did paperwork most of the afternoon, some of which was for the upcoming school year. I practiced classical guitar a little, did laundry, and did some picking up. Everywhere I look there's a job. You'd think in this little house I could make some order. Ugh!! 

The band stopped in between gigs and half of them took naps, then they were off to the Hurricane. I went to Winn Dixie and then the kids here watched a movie and ate chips. I was going to quilt on the tractor quilt but couldn't find the stencils I made for it, so I spent time on the computer getting some new animal shapes to trace and use for quilting. 

I read to Charlie. We are reading Little Britches.  It's a true story that starts out in 1906. In today's reading they went to a farm auction. It sounded so fun. I went to one horse auction when I was a teen. I guess I'm longing for a simpler time. 

Here's a pic of Aaron and Kurt being...Aaron and Kurt. 

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