Monday, July 20, 2015

July 20, 2015


This morning I went to Kim's to walk with her and the littles. I had no car to drive, so I rode a bike. The seat kept lowering, the handlebars had duct tape on them, and in the heat, the sticky stuff was oozing everywhere, including all over my hands. Then the stupid chain fell off and I couldn't get it back on, because there's a chain guard in the way. Luckily, I had my phone and Doug picked me and my sorry bike up. 

Kim and I walked. Stevie was very good but Reed cried most of the time. Then Kim took me home and stayed a little bit. I ate breakfast and then Kurt dropped Charlie and I off at Ida's (Aida's) to go swimming. We had a most excellent time, but it came to an end. Tom picked us up. Once home we hurried to get ready to leave for our gig. 

Sloppy's was busy and it was a long night. 

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