Saturday, July 11, 2015

July 9, 2015


It rained all day today. For a while it poured. My brother's yard in Angola flooded and made the news.

Tom and I went out to lunch with Kathy and Doug Ingersol and Todd and Wendy Glendenning. The 6 of us used to work together with youth  about 25 years ago. I think it was one of the highlights of this trip for me. 

I thought we were going to spend the evening at home. I made white bean soup for supper but while it was simmering our plans changed, so I moved the soup to the crockpot. 

We decided to meet Stacey and her husband for supper. Also, the three younger boys sat around all day on their gadgets because they couldn't go outside. The older kids spent the day at the mall. Tom and I took the younger ones to Tim Horton's, then dropped them at the bowling alley in East Aurora. The older kids joined them and Tom and I met up with Stacey and Chris. 

And, of course, we stayed out to late. 

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