Friday, July 3, 2015

July 2, 2015


I got up, had some quiet time, and started packing. Moved the laundry. Woke people up. Tried hard to not be grumpy, but was super aggravated with kids sitting around playing video games and not helping. Joe was still sick. Tom was gabbing. 

I packed both coolers and carried lots of stuff to the van and trailer, collected the bathroom stuff and bedding. I pulled the sheets and pillowcases off the beds, finished taking our food out, and lastly, I carried the school box out. Then I sat in the van trying not to be grumpy. 

Usually I don't mind traveling all day, but didn't look forward to it today. We left about noon and arrived at my parents at 2 AM. At 9:30 PM we stopped to see our good friend, Jim Stoneman. He's the guy who helped the kids make the hockey stick instruments. We hadn't seen him in over a year. 

When we got to my mom's, we visited for 2 hours before going to bed.

A few pics from the drive: We saw a semi hauling 3 of the campers that TJ and Ang want, a crazy guy flying an airplane near the thruway like a maniac, and pics driving into Cleveland. 

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