Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 1, 2015


We decided to stay another day at Jim's so Nina could rest. I did algebra with Garrett and Tommy did his math and omnibus. In the afternoon Kurt, Charlie, and I went to Walmart for soft things for Nina to eat and grabbed a few other things, mostly cereal and some other travel food. 

When we got home I finished the algebra lesson and put two lasagnas in the oven. Jim took all the boys outside to shoot guns. They really enjoyed that, and Charlie hit 3 out of 4 pinecones. 

We ate. then had ice cream. I wanted to watch a movie but no one would do anything about it. I did the dishes and started getting ready for bed at 11 and they decided to watch something. Bums!

It's been cold, in the 50s when we got up and 66 at one point today. The low humidity is nice. Sure would be nice to sit in front of a fire. 

We head for my parents in Eden, NY tomorrow, an all day drive. Also, Rita and Aaron are flying into Buffalo tomorrow. 

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