Friday, July 17, 2015

July 17, 2015


Jake woke up during the night and wanted TJ. Ed rubbed his back and he went back to sleep. I slept really well in a comfy bed. I am very thankful that Joe and Chris invited is into their home. 

Joe had coffee and breakfast for us. We packed up our stuff for the last time on this trip, took some pictures by magic rock, and we were off about 10 AM. 

It was a long drive. We met one of Tom's friends, John Travers, at am exit of the 95 and we ate lunch at Hardee's. That was a nice break, then we were on the road again.

Did I mention it was a long drive? I want to paint our bathroom and possibly our bedroom, so I was looking for ideas. I didn't do any embroidery. I should have. I could have finished the pillowcase. Tom and I listened to some lectures too.

And finally, we got home!! Jonathan was mowing our grass. I watered my plants. I think half of them are dead. A few might come back. We will see. It's an excuse to clean them out and change things. 

The big kids took off to see friends. I emptied the cooler and our food drawers that were in the back of the van. Since the fridge was almost empty and dirty, I cleaned most of it before putting stuff in. Tom laid down for a nap. 

Nina, her grandmother, and cousins came in. They are staying for two weeks at our house. It's always fun having guests. :0) Then TJ and Ang came rolling into town and they picked up Jake, who didn't want to leave now because he had new friends to play with. 

I showered and got ready for bed. Kurt came home with Marshall. It was good to see him. 

I forgot to mention that on Tuesday Garrett wiped out on his skate board going down a hill. He is recovering nicely. Do you think he will start wearing a helmet? Probably not. 

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