Saturday, July 18, 2015

July 18, 2015


I made Tommy go walking with me this morning. I need to get back in the habit. After breakfast Tom, Charlie, and I went to TJ's house. His truck battery was dead. When we went to leave our house, our car battery was dead also, so we took the Sprinter. I visited with Kim for a few minutes. Then went over to TJ's. Then back home. 

Ii kept unpacking and putting things away. As usual, Kurt was with friends in KW and Ben was on the computer playing video games, like there's nothing to do here. Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, Shannon,  and I cleaned out the van. They all wanted to go to their favorite Big Pine restaurant, Coco's Kitchen,  and I told them they could go after we cleaned out the van. Then I made Ben vacuum it. 

In the afternoon my ambition vanished. I sat in my room and did nothing. Wasted time. I hate it when I feel like that. When the boys went to the park, I made a taco salad with TVP instead of meat, no cheese or sour cream. The came back. We ate. I did dishes. Tommy helped. The kids all watched a movie and I went to bed. 

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