Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30, 2014

We went to church. Nina played her gig at Sunset Pier. After church, Mo came up and showed Kim, Ang, and I how to do a kind of embroidery. I think it's from Spain. It was fun, but now that's all I want to do. 

Kim peeled potatoes and I made a huge pan of Sheperd's Pie with Thanksgiving leftovers. Yum! Ben slept all day. Tommy went to church but then came home and slept all day. Charlie also got sick today. They have sore throats, fevers, and coughs. I think Tom and Garrett are getting it now too. 

After everyone left, I did dishes, then embroidered and worked on the puzzle. Tom and I went to church and then the boys played hockey. I warmed up leftover Sheperd's Pie and sweet potatoes for supper and did a little more embroidery. I had Garrett take the puzzle apart because there was no more time to finish it. We need the table for school tomorrow.

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