Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 27, 2014


I got up at 5:30 AM and woke up everyone else. We tried leaving for ice skating at 5:30 AM and left a little after 6. TJ's truck battery was dead so his family rode wover to our house in Alice's van with Kim and Stevie. In our van we had Tom, me, our friend Aaron Michael Myers, Ed, Joe, Ben, Kurt, Garrett, Tommy, Charlie, Ian. Ariel, and Naomi.

At our first stop for gas Tom wanted me to run across about 6 lanes of traffic to get us food but I wouldn't. Ed and Naomi said they'd go, but once they got near the road they said no too. So we kept driving. 

We made it to the ice rink in Kendall about 9:30. It was so cold in there. We all got our ice clothes on and the boys their hockey equipment. We took the strollers on the ice and had a blast. The rental skates were soooo bad. Why do they even make those pieces of junk? We had  a few pairs of our own skates, but most of the hockey equipment was left in MO when we moved. :0(

After skating we headed farther north to Whole Foods where Angelica picked up Jake's birthday cake. Then we continued on to the Sawgrass Mall in Sunrise, where we went to a pizza place to eat. I also ordered take out from the Cheesecake Factory for my supper later. We ate and sang to Jake, had birthday cake, then walked back to the vans. Kim, Stevie, me, Joe, Garrett, and Callie headed back to Big Pine, a three hour drive. Everyone else stayed in Sunrise to go to the Panthers' hockey game. 

When I got home I went to pick up our produce. I dropped TJ's produce at his house, then went home to eat my food from Cheesecake Factory. It wasn't that good. It was my favorite dish there, Spicy Chipotle  chicken and pasta, but it was very blah and too small of a portion. Usually I save half for the next day but I ate it all. It was a big disappointment. Plus, with the piece of cheesecake it cost $25, for just one person. :0(

I enjoyed my quiet evening. I knit. I thought I would be cleaning the trashed kitchen but Nina had it done for me when I got home from the trip to the mainland. What a great surprise! 

Monday, January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015


I went walking this morning and then we did school till 2:30. After that the school boys worked on their own and I made food for me to eat at our gig. The older boys worked at the church, still remodeling the studio.

At 3:30 we left for Sloppy Joe's. I knitted the whole way. Sloppy's was very busy the whole night. Jake, Ariel, and Ian all sang.

When we get home, everyone has to go straight to bed. We are leaving tomorrow morning at 6 AM for the mainland. TJ and Angelica rented the ice rink in Kendall for Jake's birthday party and we are all driving up there. Some of us will stay all all day and go to the hockey game at night, and others of us will go home earlier. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

January 25, 2015


I woke up just before 8 this morning and all I wanted to do was...knit! Where did that come from? So I pulled out an easy pattern and some yarn and got down to business. At 9:30 I made my oatmeal and got dressed for church. I woke up Tom, Charlie, and Joe, and we went to church. Nina's band went to their gig at Sunset Pier.

After church Tom gave blood and Kim brought me home, then stayed a while. I knitted some more. 

I made juice, then we left at 4:30 for Schooner Wharf, picking up Charlie from a friend's on the way. It was chilly tonight, 65 degrees. I bought a Schooner sweatshirt. 

I spent most of the night knitting while watching and listening to the kids. A woman came over to our table and told me how horrible the band sounded, and that they were too loud. She said they have no soul since I don't play with them anymore. (She thought I was Kim). Anyway, she went on for a while about how rotten the band was. I just kind of nodded my head with my mouth open. Really?? How rude can you be? I have never told anyone how horrible I thought they sounded. I would never, ever do that. 

Turns out the lady's husband did the same thing to Tom. 

Here's Violet in the sweater my mom helped me finish. :0)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

January 24, 2014


I slept in till 9 this morning. TJ brought his kids over. He said they had two rough nights and Angelica was sick, so I watched them. The band left for Sunset Pier. The skies were gray and a cold front came in today.

Tommy and Charlie helped with the kids. I did some bookkeeping. Then at 3:30 I took the kids home and went to Kim's. She took Charlie and I over to the studio where we worked for about 3 hours. My project is pink. Kim's is the other one. 

We ordered Chinese and went to Winn Dixie for milk, Kim driving us. When we got home, the band was still there. We ate and the band left. Kim, Stevie, and I hung out till TJ picked me up and we to the Hurricane. 

So tired. I could have gone to bed at 8. 

January 23, 2015


I made the boys get up and started school at 10. We worked at it all day, till after 5. 

Tommy went to the movie night at church. Charlie went to Bobby's, and Garrett went with the band to the Hurricane, so he could spend the night at a friend's house.  I ordered two subs, went to Walgreens, stopped at the church to check out the new giant movie screen, and went back home. 

Then I finally did something I've been wanting to do for a month... I watched "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" while working on the appliqued octopus on Jake's boat quilt. This is the quilt that Kim and I made for Jake when he was born. A dog chewed a hole through it and I am fixing it. 

Tommy came home and finished watching the movie with me. He ate his sub and we watched "The Princess Bride," one of my favorites. Bobby brought Charlie home. 

We took care of dishes, I read to Charlie and Tommy, and we went to bed. 

January 22, 2015


I went walking, then we did school until the boys went to youth group. TJ, Ang, and Kim dropped their kids off and went to their gig at Springer's. About half way through, Tom and I walked with the grand kids over to the gig. It was busy and we saw many people we knew. Stevie was sad though, after he saw Kim, so we had to go back home. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

January 21, 2015


I did not go walking today. Instead I started cleaning off the porch, throwing out dead plants, trimming, and moving others. I repotted most of the new plants I bought before quitting. 

My parents left for Punta Gorda today. Then we did a little bit of school. I had some free time and practiced my flute. :0)

At 6 PM we went to church for supper and bible study. I was going to go to TJ's to babysit afterwards but Angelica and Callie were home sick so they didn't need me.

I wanted to work on a project. I did a little embroidery, but my heart wasn't in it. Just tired I guess. I read to Charlie and Tommy and went to bed. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

January 20, 2015


I took Charlie to his fiddle lesson and then went walking. Nina took the kids to gym class in Marathon and I went with my mom and dad to Home Depot. Boy did I have fun! I bought two rose bushes, pink and purple flowers, African violets, some pots, fertilizer, and potting soil. 

When we got back, Kim came over with Stevie, to visit with Grandma Fran and Grandpa Gary. I left them and went to Tai Chi. That was followed by grocery shopping at Winn Dixie. The boys played hockey and I made chili and a salad. My mom peeled and chopped apples and we made two apple pies and apple crisp.

Our friend, Aaron Michael Myers, came over to watch hockey with the boys. 

Another late night. Lots of dishes, but it was a good day. 

I knitted this sweater for Violet, but couldn't figure out how to finish the back, so I gave it to My mom to finish. She brought it back all done and here it is. Thanks Mom!!

Monday, January 19, 2015

January 19, 2015


I woke up feeling horrible, but I went walking anyways. It was a beautiful morning to walk, the perfect temperature. I did some schoolwork with Charlie, and Garrett and Tommy worked on their own.  I practiced fiddle with Charlie, he never wants to play by himself. 

Then it was time to get ready to leave for Sloppy Joe's. Some of the boys drove down with a friend and my mom and dad rode with us. Key West was busy. Angelica and Callie joined us for the first set. Great crowd tonight and the kids did a great job, very energetic. There were many people we knew at the show. Thanks for coming everyone!!

January 18, 2015


I woke up late and got ready for church. Charlie and Joe were exhausted so I let them sleep. After church we hurried home to pack up and head for the Baygrass Bluegrass Festival in Islamorada. TJ's whole family rode with us.

My mom and dad drove from Punta Gorda and met us at the festival. It looked a little like rain but cleared up and was a gorgeous day. It was fun. I wish we could have gotten there earlier. The kids did a great job and we bumped into many friends and made some new ones. 

We drove home and I was so tired. My parents came to our house too, and are staying a few days. We got home around 10 PM, and the older kids went to a friends house for dinner. I went straight to bed where I read to Charlie and then went to sleep.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

January 17, 2015


I rode Tommy's bike this morning to Kim's studio and started a new project. I forgot to take a picture. After a couple hours I rode home again. The band played at Sunset Pier. Tommy and Nina went to the car wash at church. 

I didn't really do much of anything for a while. Then I started an algebra lesson. That took hours with interruptions. I also made Curry Ginger Butternut Squash soup. 

When the band got home they were all excited because they were invited to some famous person's house. They played hockey, then got ready to go. TJ and Angelica came over and dropped off their kids, then they all went on their adventure. I'm not sure how much I should say just yet, but it was exciting! They got home at 4:30 in the morning. I woke up at 3 and warmed a bottle for Violet and Tom gave it to her. He was still up watching hockey. Then Callie woke up and wandered the house a little, and then the big kids got home and TJ picked up his kids. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

January 16, 2015


When I woke this morning I actually felt ok, which was great, because I usually feel yucky. Part of getting old I guess. I sure wish it would go away. It's a bit chilly here lately, 70ish, so I went in the hot tub instead of walking, since there wasn't time for both. 

When I was making my bed this morning, I pulled up the coverlet at the feet end, where it was laying on the floor, and...a cockroach ran up between the sheet and the coverlet. Argh!!!!   I still haven't gotten over it! I made Joe get up and get rid of it. He's not scared of them like me. Makes me want to go back to Springville!  I hope there aren't many more roaming around while we sleep at night. :0(

We did school most of the day. The big kids worked at the studio. They've been cleaning and painting, moving stuff around. Tom and Kurt worked on Kurt's car. I don't know if they fixed it or not. I don't even know what was wrong with it.

I planned on going to the gig tonight at Tarpon Creek, but at the last minute changed my mind. TJ said tommy could watch Jake, and Tom was complaining because he couldn't find the jeans he wanted to wear, and it would be chilly, and a short gig, and they weren't going to feed us, so I stayed home with Garrett.

We did algebra for 1 1/2 hours, then did corrections. Then I read the next chapter of Garrett's history and started an outline. I ordered a pizza and kept outlining till I left to pick it up. 

When I tried leaving Popa Jim's Pizza, the key wouldn't turn. It's happened before, but all the wiggling and jiggling, and trying to turn the steering wheel, wouldn't work. I started texting Kim and Tom, and finally I got the key to turn, and the car would start but turned itself right off. Ugh!!! Good grief! The car has done that before too, and I thought Tom had said something about disconnecting the battery blah blah blah, and I wasn't going to do that; don't know how. 

Tom finally got back to me, and he told me to open the gas cover, and start the car with it open, worked!!!! Doug was going to come help me, but thankfully, he got to stay home, and I got to go home with pizza for Garrett and I. 

I ate my pizza, and a few chocolates from Angelica's Uncle Jack ( that came in the mail today). The band got home and I finally finished the outline after many intrerruptions while the boys watched hockey and ate.

I was going to play the flute for a few minutes, but saw that it was 11:30 and decided it was bed time and time for bedtime chores. I had Tommy put dishes away, and Garrett took out the garbage. No one did dishes last night or today, so I asked Garrett to do them, but as I lie here, I realize that I haven't heard the sounds of dish washing, so I bet they are not done. 

I read toTommy and Charlie and went to bed.  

Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 15, 2015


I slept till 8 and decided not to go walking so we could start school on time. Tommy went to a guitar lesson and the big kids worked at church all day. I did school with the younger ones till 4:30.

Kim and TJ and Ang dropped off their kids at 5. I babysat while they went to a gig at Big Pine Sea Camp. The kids were very good, and pretty quiet, but half way thru I got a head ache and felt a little nauseous. The hot flashes kicked in, and luckily, Tommy came home from youth group and helped me with the kids. Tom was supposed to help me, but he worked late at church, and didn't come home till just before TJ, Ang, and Kim got back. 

After they all left, Tom took me to Boondocks for a date. I had taken some medicine and used ice on my head and neck, and had started to feel better. 

We had a good time at Boondocks. Terry Cassidy was playing with a friend, and Lorenzo and Randall were working. We had chopped salads with blackened Hogfish, then chocolate lava cake and coffee. 

Came home about 11:30 and got ready for bed. Assigned Tommy and Garrett to dishes, then read to Charlie and Tommy 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 13, 2015


I went walking this morning, then took Charlie to his fiddle lesson. I picked him up later and then we had a band meeting at the church. After an hour I left with the younger boys and two Newtons for gym class.  

After gym class I hurried home for Tai Chi, but the teacher wasn't there. I waited about 20 minutes and then went grocery shopping. Garrett and Tommy carried everything up the stairs. Tommy went to work at church. I started making supper while strategically locating all the produce in the fridge. I made chilli and a salad, and cut up oranges and apples, while the boys played hockey. 

After we ate, 9:30ish, the boys watched hockey. I had Ben do dishes around 12 and I went to bed. No reading tonight.

Monday, January 12, 2015

January 12, 2015


Almost every night that we don't have a gig, the boys play hockey. They want supper after they play. The park closes at 9, so supper ends up being at 9:30. After clean-up, even with kids helping, it is just too late. I didn't wake up till 9 today. No time to walk, and I had to wake up school kids 3 or 4 times. That makes me grumpy. 

I was able to shake the grumpies and just take care of the most important things, one at a time. We did some school, some laundry, and then it was time to go to Sloppy Joes.

Great crowd tonight. I met some really friendly people. They made the evening fly by. :0) Thanks everyone!!

January 11, 2015


We went to church. Then Kim and Ang came over again with kids and we quilted. When TJ got there it turned into a  jam. TJ, Kim, and Ang are going to play at Springer's on Thursdays, for a few weeks, and they practiced a few songs. (They start Jan. 22). 

I practicedy Tambour embroidery for a while, then went to church with Tom. The boys played hockey and  I made a not so great supper, spaghetti and a salad. 

I tried reading to Charlie but he was too squirmy and wasn't paying attention, so I I went to bed. 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

January 10, 2015


I slept late but finally went walking. I went in the hot tub, and then cleaned my bathroom. I did laundry. Garrett cleaned the living room. The band went to Sunset Pier for their 1:00 gig. I cleared off the table, payed bills and took care of paperwork. Then I got my computer out and did bookkeeping. I should do it once a week but can't find the time. I end up doing it once every few months and am way behind. Joe is supposed to be helping me.

Charlie, Tommy, and I left with Nina at 5:15 for Schooner Wharf. Rob took me out for supper while the band was setting up. Then we went over to Schooner Wharf. By 8:30 it felt like 11. Tommy and I left early with TJ just after 11.

January 9, 2015


I went in the hot tub and then did school till 5. Every so often I squeezed in a few minutes of embroidery. The  band went to their gig at Schooner Wharf but I stayed home with the three youngest boys. 

We went to Walgreens and bought some candy, then went to the movie night at church. We saw "How to Train Your Dragon 2." We went home and I made a veggie stir-fry with brown rice and a salad. I did an algebra lesson, read to Tommy and Charlie, and went to bed.

Friday, January 9, 2015

January 8, 2015


I am so out of my walking routine and it is so hard to get back into it. I haven't been going so I can start school on time. That's not working either. The boys don't get themselves up and I have to wake them up many times before they get up. 

Lately, I also don't want to eat oatmeal for breakfast, and I don't want to make lunch. Food is such a pain. :0( I don't know what to eat.

We did school all day. Tom and the older boys worked more at church on the youth room. Then at 4:30 Garrett and Tommy went to youth group. TJ dropped off Callie so he, Ang, Tom, and the other two kids could go to Duck Key to look at a truck. I took Charlie and Callie over to Kim's. We worked on mosaics for a little bit and took a walk. 

When they (TJ and them) got back they took the kids to the park. I went home and made supper, homemade tomato soup (that wasn't that good), salad, and Tommy made some grilled cheese sandwiches. I don't usually have cheese.

I did some hand sewing while the boys watched hockey, read to Tommy and Charlie, and went to bed. It was midnight. :0(

Thursday, January 8, 2015

January 7, 2014


We did school till 5. Did our reading out on the porch. Went to church in the evening for supper and Bible study. Then I brought TJ's kids home to watch them while they met with the young adults. 

I read to Charlie and Tommy. We started "By the Shores of Silver Lake."

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January 6, 2015


I went walking this morning. I walk 3 1/2 miles. It takes me about 50 minutes. I usually run one time around the park. At one time I could run three times around, but I'm a back slider. :0/

Tom and the big kids all went to help at church. I think they are re-doing the youth room. I started school with the youngest three. At 12:45 PM I filled water bottles and we went to gym class. Tommy's sneakers disappeared. They didn't fit anyway, so I dropped Garrett and Charlie off and took Tommy to Payless where we bought him some sneakers. 

We went back to the park. Ang was there and I sat with a few moms, Ang, Callie, and Violet. It was a gorgeous day. I helped Callie with her sticker book. 

We went home. I had a half hour before my Tai Chi class. I opened mail, got my grocery list, and told the boys to do their math while I was gone. 

I went over to church, but my class was cancelled, so I went to Winn Dixie. When I got home from that I found that none of the boys had done their math, so I made them do it while I put groceries away and started supper. Since I started so early I hoped to have a little free time, but no such luck. 

I made chilli, salad, and set out grapes and apples. I had tripled the chilli recipe and there was about one serving left over. The boys played hockey. We ate. They watched hockey. I tried my tambour embroidery again and I'm doing way better. Exciting! 

I asked Ben to do dishes but he wanted to wait till the morning so I did them myself. Garrett still had to finish his math. He's a bum! At midnight I read to Charlie, Tommy., (and big Tom) and went to bed. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5, 2015


I did not wake up early enough to go walking. I had some quiet time, woke up boys for school, and made myself a smoothie for breakfast, pineapple, banana, coconut milk, and half a lemon. Yum!! Kurt's friend Minolis stayed over and they worked on photography. Here's one of his pics at the end.

We had a good school day. Did our reading out on the porch, teacher in the hammock chair. Nice! At 2:30 I had the kids work on their own and I made lunch for Tom and I, but Tom didn't eat his so Joe ate it. 

We left a little late. Tom wanted to look at an RV. We were supposed to drop Garrett off at Rob's to work, but didn't understand his message, so we didn't. Then when we got to Sloppy's, someone was parked in the loading zone. Tom tried to park farther down but had a hard time. Then the people finally showed up and drove away. After Tom parked and we were set up, he was able to take Garrett over to Rob's using Nina's van and Nina ran the sound. 

The gig went well. Sloppy's was busy and the night went fast. I met the drummer for the Jimmie Van Zant Band, 

Charlie counted our tips and we drove home, picking up Garrett from Rob's on our way.

January 4, 2015


I woke up extra early and had plenty of quiet time. Very nice. Ben got home at 8 AM from taking Emma to the airport and went to bed. We went to church, then Ang and Kim came over with the kids. We quilted on Ang's quilt for about two hours, then they went home. I had a little time to vedge, then Tom and I went to church. Nina's band left at 11 for their gig at Sunset Pier. 

When church was over, Tom met the boys at the park for hockey. I sat in my queen's chair and read. When he got home at 9:30,  Tom and I went to Boondock's for a little date. We got home at 11, I read to Tommy and Charlie, and went to bed.

January 3, 2015


I went walking, then spent most of the day sewing. Violet's bubble is almost done. I just have to put lace around the sleeve openings and do buttonholes and buttons. 

The band had their early gig a Sunset Pier. In the evening the boys played hockey and I made supper, Polish sausage, sauerkraut, perogies, and salad. We had apple pie (that TJ and Ang gave me yesterday). I also made Gingersnap cookie dough and had Garrett bake them. It was Emma's last night here. Ben has to take her to the Miami airport at 2 AM. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

January 2, 2015


I went walking this morning, then TJ dropped Jake and Callie off so he, Ang, and Violet could go to the mainland to do some shopping. 

We had a good day. I did a little school with Garrett and Tommy. Since we were on "vacation" we only did a little. Today was a rare Friday off, no gig. The big kids went to the beach at Bahia Honda for a little while. They took Ariel and Charlie. I sewed a little bit. I also took down the Christmas tree. I made Sheperd's Pie for supper, and actually set the table for the first time in four years. There was only eight of us for supper and we fit around the table. After we ate I went to Winn Dixie for a few things. When I got home I had Garrett make chocolate chip cookies. 

The big kids went to Key west in the evening. They took Emma to Bennie Hanna. Afterward, they played laser tag. The three younger boys went to play laser tag too. They were out really late. 

When TJ and Ang came back they brought me a huge apple pie. I saved it for tomorrow.

Friday, January 2, 2015

January 1, 2015


I slept till 9, and went walking late. I did laundry all day long, and sewed a little bit on an outfit for Violet. I cleaned and swept. I went thru Tom's clothes and Charlie's clothes. They had both made a mess of their shelves in my closet. I started putting Christmas things away. I changed Charlie's bed and cleaned up the floor in the boys' room.

Charlie came back from his trip today. The band had a gig at Schooner Wharf but I didn't go. I juiced for supper and did dishes. Tommy's friend Jason came over. They played cards and went to youth group. They came back after youth group and played cards till almost midnight. Then Jason went home. I read to Charlie and then went to bed. 

I had hoped to have some time for myself in the evening, to read or embroider, but never got to it. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

December 31, 2014


We had to leave at 2:30 for our gig, which was a big one. Kurt brought three friends for roadies, so I didn't have to help set up. The kids set up, had sound check at 5, and then we were fed. It's always a great day when someone else feeds us great food!!!! 

The green room they gave us had an awesome table and chairs, just what we need! :0) The kids had time to relax, and then we played from 9-12. Garrett and Aaron swam for a while. Tom took pictures of the dolphins. I embroidered, then watched the concert.

We got home really late, 2:30ish. Then Tom and Ed had to drive to Key West to take down lights from Ed's lighting gig. I got to bed at 4 AM. :0(

December 30, 2014


I walked today, and watched TJ's kids while they played at Blue Heaven. We did a little schoolwork. After TJ  and Ang got home I went to visit my friend, Dahlia, on the order side of Marathon. The car was low on gas, and my phone battery was low, but I stopped and got gas and everything worked out. Dahlia cooked me a yummy supper and then we sat out at the fire. It was a fun night out.

My Christmas Cactii are finally blooming!