Thursday, January 1, 2015

December 31, 2014


We had to leave at 2:30 for our gig, which was a big one. Kurt brought three friends for roadies, so I didn't have to help set up. The kids set up, had sound check at 5, and then we were fed. It's always a great day when someone else feeds us great food!!!! 

The green room they gave us had an awesome table and chairs, just what we need! :0) The kids had time to relax, and then we played from 9-12. Garrett and Aaron swam for a while. Tom took pictures of the dolphins. I embroidered, then watched the concert.

We got home really late, 2:30ish. Then Tom and Ed had to drive to Key West to take down lights from Ed's lighting gig. I got to bed at 4 AM. :0(

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