Friday, January 2, 2015

January 1, 2015


I slept till 9, and went walking late. I did laundry all day long, and sewed a little bit on an outfit for Violet. I cleaned and swept. I went thru Tom's clothes and Charlie's clothes. They had both made a mess of their shelves in my closet. I started putting Christmas things away. I changed Charlie's bed and cleaned up the floor in the boys' room.

Charlie came back from his trip today. The band had a gig at Schooner Wharf but I didn't go. I juiced for supper and did dishes. Tommy's friend Jason came over. They played cards and went to youth group. They came back after youth group and played cards till almost midnight. Then Jason went home. I read to Charlie and then went to bed. 

I had hoped to have some time for myself in the evening, to read or embroider, but never got to it. 

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