Friday, January 9, 2015

January 8, 2015


I am so out of my walking routine and it is so hard to get back into it. I haven't been going so I can start school on time. That's not working either. The boys don't get themselves up and I have to wake them up many times before they get up. 

Lately, I also don't want to eat oatmeal for breakfast, and I don't want to make lunch. Food is such a pain. :0( I don't know what to eat.

We did school all day. Tom and the older boys worked more at church on the youth room. Then at 4:30 Garrett and Tommy went to youth group. TJ dropped off Callie so he, Ang, Tom, and the other two kids could go to Duck Key to look at a truck. I took Charlie and Callie over to Kim's. We worked on mosaics for a little bit and took a walk. 

When they (TJ and them) got back they took the kids to the park. I went home and made supper, homemade tomato soup (that wasn't that good), salad, and Tommy made some grilled cheese sandwiches. I don't usually have cheese.

I did some hand sewing while the boys watched hockey, read to Tommy and Charlie, and went to bed. It was midnight. :0(

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