Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January 6, 2015


I went walking this morning. I walk 3 1/2 miles. It takes me about 50 minutes. I usually run one time around the park. At one time I could run three times around, but I'm a back slider. :0/

Tom and the big kids all went to help at church. I think they are re-doing the youth room. I started school with the youngest three. At 12:45 PM I filled water bottles and we went to gym class. Tommy's sneakers disappeared. They didn't fit anyway, so I dropped Garrett and Charlie off and took Tommy to Payless where we bought him some sneakers. 

We went back to the park. Ang was there and I sat with a few moms, Ang, Callie, and Violet. It was a gorgeous day. I helped Callie with her sticker book. 

We went home. I had a half hour before my Tai Chi class. I opened mail, got my grocery list, and told the boys to do their math while I was gone. 

I went over to church, but my class was cancelled, so I went to Winn Dixie. When I got home from that I found that none of the boys had done their math, so I made them do it while I put groceries away and started supper. Since I started so early I hoped to have a little free time, but no such luck. 

I made chilli, salad, and set out grapes and apples. I had tripled the chilli recipe and there was about one serving left over. The boys played hockey. We ate. They watched hockey. I tried my tambour embroidery again and I'm doing way better. Exciting! 

I asked Ben to do dishes but he wanted to wait till the morning so I did them myself. Garrett still had to finish his math. He's a bum! At midnight I read to Charlie, Tommy., (and big Tom) and went to bed. 

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